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Hidden Treasures of World Showcase

I have been on this tour twice (once in 1996 and once in 1994). This is a walking tour of EPCOT's World Showcase. I really think this is one of the best ways to see the countries. Most people when they visit the pavilions will walk from shop to shop or food location to food location. Very few will actually take the time to absorb all the detail and work that goes into each place. Sure you notice it, but you really do not sit and think about it. This tour takes you around to each nation pointing out the these details and explaining to you many things you probably have never thought about.

Disney has offered this tour in three configurations. They have offered the West and East side of World Showcase Tour (where each one is a couple hours), and they have offered one that covers both sides with a break for lunch in the middle. I have taken it both ways and I really enjoyed the one long tour better. It lets you get into a "groove" and go with it.

The basic route of the tour is to start at Canada and work your way around the lagoon, stopping for lunch at the American Adventure. (Now I think they stop at Morocco). Then continuing on around the other side until you end up at Mexico. You do get to go backstage on this tour. You walk behind several of the pavilions, but one of the highlights is walking behind Mexico to the cast wardrobe facility. This is an incredible place to see.

Tour Log
I cannot remember the exact log as it was several years ago. Basically we moved in a circle starting at Canada and working our way around. Once we hit Mexico we went backstage to the wardrobe facility which is located under Test Tracks outer bank. Over the years three versions of this tour were offered. The full one, then they had two half tours that covered half of World Showcase at a time.



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