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Walt Disney World Day 2 Report

March 21, 2003

Trip Log:
Started our day off heading to the Contemporary's Concourse Steakhouse for breakfast. Then headed to the Magic Kingdom. It decided to pour rain for the next couple hours. We took in the Hall of Presidents, the Riverboat, and Country Bears. Next headed over to Tomorrowland via train to Toontown Fair. Headed to Buzz to grab a fastpass then the people mover. After that watched a chorus and grabbed a drink. Watched the Parade and then back to ride Buzz. Walked down Main Street and took a monorail to the TTC and then a Bus to the Studios. Caught the parade there and then headed for dinner. Pizza Planet was closed, strike one... so I headed out to Sunset Blvd to grab a pizza and then met up with the rest of our group at the commissary. Caught B&B and then headed back to the resort to regroup and watch some animals. They were all far away, so headed to EPCOT. Test Track was broke and closed for the evening, so I had a hour to kill before Illuminations, so I walked around the world Showcase. After making a loop I ended up in front of Norway to watch the show. Then back to the Resort to call it quits for the night.

Thoughts & Observations:

  • Breakfast at the Steakhouse was interesting, we seem to always have an issue there, last time it was the computers went down. This time it was the gas line had a problem, so they could not cook anything. We waited a bit, then finally ordered, and luckily it the problem was fixed, so we re-ordered. All three of us got French Toast, and you know how usually its only a two pieces cut in half or so. Well we got 4 whole pieces of bread, it filled the large platters.. way too much.
  • After Breakfast it started to rain, we road the monorail all the way around and decided to brave the rain and head for the MK, it let up a bit. I splashed my way down Main Street (how I like the warm rain, poncho, and sandals.
  • We took in some of the shows and rides with cover.
  • The plan was to head over to the Studios for a late lunch early dinner. Well I had in mind a pizza at Pizza planet while the rest of our party ate at the Commissary. Well that back fired, it was closed. So after wandering the park I bit I remembered out in Sunset Blvd there was a place that sold pizzas, so it was off to there and then to join the rest of my group, which had completed eating already. Wonder why Pizza Planet was closed at around 4pm, that seemed strange, the park had a good size crowd.
  • I showed up at EPCOT around 7:30 to try to get on Test Track and watch Illuminations, closing was 9pm. Went to TT and it was closed. The CM said it was broke and would not open again that evening. I had over an hour to kill, so I took a stroll around the lagoon starting at Mexico. After the loop I started it again and ended up watching Illuminations from near Norway.


Pedometer Information for the day:




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