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May 13, 2023 - Day 2:

Today we were up before the sun and watched the Tokyo Disney Resort come alive.  Headed down to the lounge for breakfast at 7am when they opened.  Then decided to take a walk out to look at Tokyo Bay before heading over to the Tokyo Disney Resort Line.  Purchase our first set of Tokyo Disney Resort Line passes and set off for the day. Disembarked at Tokyo DisneySea just as the park was opening and watched the guests stream in from the Photo Spot at the Monorail platform then walked over to the Hotel Mira Costa.  Took a look around then back to the Resort Line.  Took it to the Disneyland Station and disembarked to check out the Disneyland Hotel.   Reboarded the Monorail and took it all the way around to the Gateway Station.  Picked up our Sucia cards for tomorrow at the train station then spent some time roaming around Ikspiari to check out the shops and some dining option.  The rain had really picked up so we boarded the resort line and took it back to Bayside Station.  Caught the shuttle bus back to the Hilton and stopped by the lounge for a snack.  Returned to the room to rest for a bit before returning to Ikspiari for a late lunch/early dinner at TGI Fridays.   Walked over to Bon Voyage and then the Resort Line at the Disneyland Station.  Took the Monorail back to Bayside Station and returned to the Hilton.  Stopped by the Lounge for a snack later in the evening and then called it a night.

Thoughts & Observations
  • Today we had nothing planned since we were unsure how the jet lag would be. Also the weather forecast called of rain throughout the day. Turned out to be some periods of decent rain but not steady all day, it came in waves.
  • We were all up early, around 4am.
  • Breakfast did not start until 7am so we had plenty of time to get going this morning.
  • The breakfast offerings were a regular assortment of things. There was french toast but it was cold, as were several other items that were out unfortuantely.
  • The rain had not started yet so after breakfast took a walk around the back of the hotel to see Tokyo Bay. On our previous trips we never ventured that way and wanted to see the view. Of course it started to drizzle so we cut the walk short and made our way to Bayside Station.
  • Picked up our Resort Line Monorail passes with no problem. Still would be nice to be able to use a credit card to purchase them vs relying on cash.
  • We happened to arrive at the DisneySea station just past 9am when the park opened. So we watched the guests stream in for a bit as the rain continued to fall.
  • Stopped by the Mira Costa to see what was going on. There were some banners for the 40th and renovation work underway but other than that nothing too interesting popped out to us.
  • Next stop the Disneyland Hotel, same drill and report. We did see a fairly lengthy backup at the security checkpoint this morning though.
  • Since it was raining opted to take the Resort Line all the way around to get to the Gateway Station. Rain over to the train station and purchased our Sucia cards then spent some time exploring Ikspiari and the Ambassador Hotel. It was interesting to note that most restaurants opened at 11am for lunch and they all had lines of guests waiting for them.
  • We were not hungry yet so opted to go back to the hotel for a snack and to relax a bit then returned to Ikspiari for a late lunch/early dinner.
  • Opted to eat at TGI Fridays. We have eaten there several times before and the quality/price works for us. Our meal was good, service was a tad slow. Our waiter seemed to disappear and a couple others filled in.
  • After eating visited Bon Voyage and it was very busy with guests buying souviners. So far nothing has caught my eye. The selection of merchandise and colors they choose are usually not something I want and this appears to be the case again.

Pedometer Stats
Miles 5.97
Steps 13,033
Minutes Walking 142

Day1 Part I: Morning Views at the Hilton Tokyo Bay

We were up as the sun rose and spent some time unpacking and enjoying the view before breakfast then set off to explore the resort..
Day1 Part II: Tokyo Disney Resort Hotels & Ikspiari

We spent the morning visiting the Disney Hotels and then some time at Ikspiari and riding the resort line today.
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