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November 17, 2016 - Day 6:
Tokyo Disneyland & Tokyo DisneySea Park Hopping

Started off my morning up around 6am again. Munch on some breakfast and went through email before heading out for the morning. Decided to hang around the hotel and let the morning crowd go into the park, so left just before park opening. Arrived at Disneyland and only had a few minute wait vs 15. Made our way through World Bazaar. Some headed for Winnie the Pooh Fastpasses and I turned into Tomorrowland and participated in a race at the Grand Circuit Raceway then piloted a Star Jet before re-joining my group and walking through Fantasyland and back toward the park exit. Took the resort line around to DisneySea and headed for to try my luck at the lottery for Big Band Beat. We failed again so opted to wait a little over an hour in standby for the first show of the day. After the show decided to head back to Disneyland via the Resort Line and grab lunch. Some wanted waffles so they went that way and I decided on Tomorrowland Terrace. After lunch we met up to use our FastPasses for the Hunny Hunt and then we roamed through Fantasyland stopping by Cinderella Castle. Looked at the to do list and we were in great shape so returned to DisneySea. Decided to go see Indy return times and pick up a FastPass then walked around the American Waterfront for a while as the sun set we watched it from the deck of the Columbia. Made our way around to the Zambini Brothers for dinner. At this point the rest of my group had completed their list and after nearly 4.5 days in the park they were done and headed for the exit. I walked to Fortress Explorations and watched Fantasmic and then strolled through Mysterious Island and into Port Discovery. Decided to take the Electric Railway to the American Waterfront. Wandered around a bit and caught the end of a Table is Waiting. Took some more pictures of the New York area then out to Cape Cod before continuing through Port Discovery and into the Lost River Delta. Passed the Arabian Coast and Mermaid Lagoon before walking through Mysterious Island just before the Colors of Christmas was about to begin. Watched the first half of the show from Fortress Explorations then hiked around to the park exit as the second half was wrapping up. Took a last look at DisneySea then headed for the exit and the Resort Line back to Disneyland. Arrived in the central plaza with a couple minutes to spare before Sky High Wishes started. Hung around waiting for Once Upon a Time. After the show turned, said my good byes to Disneyland and headed for the Resort Line to return to Bayside Station and the room to pack up, I head home tomorrow.

Thoughts & Observations
  • Today is my last day in the parks. It started off like all the others.. with a cool and somewhat hazy morning. We opted to arrive just after park opening since there was nothing on our must see list that warranted standing out in the line or the cold. We arrived 10 minutes after the gates opened and only had a few minute wait to get in.
  • The theme for the morning was to visit some attractions that were going away soon. The Grand Circuit Raceway (their Autopia) closes in January and the Star Jets close in October. So I went for a last ride on each when the lines were small. I do appreciate how they give guests plenty of notice for attraction closures. I was disappointed I missed out on the last race certificates and merchandise for Raceway, that started the week after I left. Both are being removed to make was for the Fantasyland expansion, Beauty and the Beast.
  • After picking up my FastPass for the Hunny Hunt and the two attractions it was time to head to DisneySea and a last attempt at the Lottery for Big Band Beat. We failed again.. 0-3 this trip. So we spent a little over an hour in the stand by line for the first show. We were in the first 1/5 of the line. We could have shown up later and gotten in but we wanted to be sure to get in and figured an hour investment was worth it for Big Band Beat.
  • Big Band Beat was great. The show had been updated since last year in honor of the 15th Anniversary. Because of this change that meant no Christmas show this year. I would have really liked to have seen the Christmas version. But at least this was a new show for me.
  • Went for a second trip to the 100 acre woods at Disneyland. The Hunny Hunt was as good the second time through as the first.
  • Walked through Cinderella Castle since it had a minimal wait and I was curious if they decorated inside. They did not. The view of Fantasyland from the castle as you exit is great!
  • We had made it through everything on my must see and would like to see list so bid goodbye to Disneyland and traveled back to DisneySea for the evening. Wait times were up slightly and we had visited everything we wanted to so just roamed the park and took in some of the entertainment. We opted to eat at the Zambini Brothers and found a table on the second floor, which I had not visited. DisneySea does not disappoint with details. Also the pizza here was slightly cheaper than in Mermaid Lagoon.
  • A plus of taking the Electric Railway from Port Discovery is the use of Epcot music in the queue!
  • Decided to roam the park and take some night time photos playing with exposure and such. Tokyo Parks are a fun challenge since no tripods are allowed. So you have to be a little more creative in your location choices.
  • Watched Colors of Christmas from the Fortress Explorations and it is ok from that vantage point. The audio was a little quiet but the show works since there is nothing on the stages and being in front of it does not make a huge difference.
  • Closed out the trip returning to Disneyland for a last Sky High Wishes and Once Upon a Time. It is very easy to park hop with the efficient Resort Line and quick security and gate lines.

Pedometer Stats
Miles 9.1
Steps 24,255
Moderate Steps 16,306
Moderate Steps/Time 143

Day 2 - Part I: Morning Tour of Tokyo Part I: Morning at Tokyo Disneyland
Started my day with a look around the Sheraton then off to Tokyo Disneyland around the time it opened. Went for a final lap at the Grand Circuit Raceway then flight on the Star Jets (plus picked up a FastPass for Winnie the Pooh) then set off for DisneySea.
Day 2 - Part I: Morning Tour of Tokyo Part II: A Quick Trip to Tokyo DisneySea
Paid a visit to DisneySea to see the Big Band Beat show and a quick look around.
Day 2 - Part I: Morning Tour of Tokyo

Part III: Back to Tokyo Disneyland
Afternoon at Disneyland including a visit to Fairytale Hall and some random pictures as I roamed the park.

Day 2 - Part I: Morning Tour of Tokyo

Part IV: Final Visit to Tokyo DisneySea
My final hours of daylight at Tokyo DisneySea featuring a look at the boats in the New York Harbor and sunset from the S.S. Columbia.

Day 2 - Part I: Morning Tour of Tokyo

Part V: Final Night at DisneySea and Disneyland
Walked around Tokyo DisneySea a final time then closed out my park time at Disneyland.



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