Disneyland Band (Main Street)
The official Disneyland Band performs on Main Street most of the time
you can find them in Town Square. You will usually not find them during
off-season, but the rest of the year they are around.
Retreat (Main Street @ dusk)
The Flag Retreat takes place every evening at Dusk in Town Square.
It is not a publized event, but its a Disneyland tradition. Several
Disneyland security officiers march out to Town Square, then the
announcement is made, and the national anthem is played as the flag
is lowered. As they fold the flags and march away a patriotic medley
is played. Its a short (10 min) event, but just one of the many
traditions that makes Disneyland so great. 
During the summer when the All American College band is performing,
they come down and play for the ceremony, which makes it even better.
Main Street Entertainment(Main Street)
There are several other groups that call Main Street home throughout
the year. Pictured to the right is the Firehouse Sax Quartet.