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April 13, 2018 - Day 5:
Shanghai Disneyland

Started off the morning too early again, just after 5am.  Did some packing and then preparation work for the day before heading to the Magic Kingdom Club for breakfast.  Was on a shuttle bus to the park by 7:30am.  Took almost 30 minutes to get through security and into the park.  Made my way to Mickey Ave. and as I approached they played the cancellation announcement for the show so I was zero for three on the character show.  Regrouped and looked at FastPass options.  Decided on a nearly instant Peter Pan (was for 8:35am and it was 8:30 and more than a 5 minute walk there).  Walked onto Peter Pan using the FastPass then made my way to Discovery Isle and arrived at the Challenge Trails just as they were opening at 9:00am.   Went for a hike then wandered around Adventure Isle.  Met someone at 10am to say hi.  Then made my way to Tomorrowland to catch the Baymax Exercise Expo.  The rain started to fall while the show was going on, completing my run of now visiting all 12 Disney Parks around the globe in the rain.   Decided to go check out the Toy Story Hotel, so we walked through DisneyTown and then took the shuttle bus.   Wandered around the hotel then back on the shuttle to DisneyTown.  Ate lunch at Wolfgang Puck then returned to the park.  Tai Chi With Character was just about to begin so stopped and watched the show before making my way back to Adventure Isle to see the 2:45pm Tarzan show.  Roamed around Adventure Isle then Fantasyland before making my way to the parade route for Mickey’s Storybook Express Parade.   Walked around the Gardens of Imagination and Fantasyland before finding a spot for the Castle show.  The show was halted about half way through due to the rain starting to fall again.  I turned toward the park exit and caught a shuttle back to the Disneyland Hotel.  Picked up some additional rain gear, stopped by the gift shop as well as the Magic Kingdom Club for a snack.  Took the boat back to the parks as the sun was setting and fog rolling in.    Walked over to Tomorrowland to check out the lights then walked through Fantasyland and circled around to the other side of Gardens of Imagination.  Continued my circle ending up near the DisneyTown exit.   Found a spot just after 8pm for the 8:30pm Ignite the Dream show.  After the show joined the mass of guests leaving the park.   Boated a waiting boat as the rain started to fall again.  Returned to the Disneyland Hotel to pack up and prepare to leave early tomorrow.

Thoughts & Observations
  • My last full day in Shanghai started off just like the others, waking up way too early and at the Magic Kingdom Club for breakfast as soon as they opened the doors.  Today we ate a little quicker and were on the shuttle bus to the park by 7:30am, 30 minutes prior to opening.    When we arrived there was a line of guests equal to other days.  Just before 8am they started to let guests in.   It took a good 30 minutes to get into the park from when we arrived.  I think it is quicker than the front of the park but still a slow process.    There were so many guests with security or ticket issues it just took a long time to move through.  It may be nice to have separate lines for the two hotels.  Or a great perk of club level would be a dedicated line.
  • When we finally reached the park I checked the FastPass list and everything was available but we had nothing left on our must see list so opted for a second go at Peter Pan.
  • Plan was to see the Zao Shang Hao, Mickey show.  It was cancelled again so I went 0 for 3 seeing this show .
  • Walked out to Peter Pan to use our early FastPass, which saved us only a couple minutes because it was a near walk on at this hour.
  • The Camp Discovery Challenge Trails opened at 9am and I was there for the opening and within the first group through.   This is the attraction where you wear a safety harness and are able to walk through an elevated rope course that traverses the terrain of Roaring Mountain.   The preparation process was involved with four different cast members attaching gear and checking the harness.  I really enjoyed the walk.  You make choices as you go and if something looks a little outside your comfort zone or physical ability there were alternate paths.   If you trust the safety gear it was relatively straight forward to walk through.  As soon as I was on the course I put my weight into the gear and it was good to go so even on the narrow ledges, etc.. I really had no problems and just kept going.   There were quite a few guests that seemed really afraid or overly cautious of the situations along the trail.  I found myself admiring the view more than focusing on the course.  You are not allowed to have any cameras so for me it was a vacation being able to just soak in the sights and experience.  I did find myself wanting to take pictures frequently and wishing I had a camera.   I really enjoyed this unique attraction and wish I would have had more time or patience to do other routes.  The lines was well over an hour most of the day which was longer than I wanted to wait.
  • Had a very surreal experience as we were walking along my brother was available back in Los Angeles so we were able to video chat a bit.  It was very odd to be walking around a Disney theme park in China talking with someone back in LA (would have been really fun if he was at Disneyland).  The inpark wi-fi was able to support the session with no problems in the area where I was.
  • Stopped by the Pepsi stage in Tomorrowland for the Baymax Super Exercise Expo.  The show featured Baymax on stage doing some exercises with the support of others from Big Hero 6 on the video screen.  It was in Mandarin so I did not understand it but was able to follow along.  The kids in the audience were dancing/exercising along.   It was sort of a mix between a dance party and character show.  The kids seemed to love it.
  • As the show was going on I was able to achieve another personal milestone.. one that I am not sure if it was good or bad.. but it began to rain and I had to use an umbrella.  So I can now say I have been in every Disney park on the planet in the rain.
  • Since it was raining we decided to leave the park for a while and pay a visit to the Toy Story Hotel.   It was a short shuttle bus ride away (we could have walked but opted not to because of the rain).   The Hotel had a much busier feel than the Disneyland Hotel, it is about double the size, 800 rooms vs 420.   The exterior design of the building was odd to us.  One in our group thought it had a prison vibe to it being a very straight building with no balconies.  Another said office building came to mind.   When you get around to the entrance it feels very much like the Value Resorts at Walt Disney World to me.   We did not get to see a room but walked around the common spaces taking a look at the two courtyards that featured oversized characters and then the dining area.    It has some nice elements but overall I was happy we choose the Disneyland Hotel.
  • Decided to grab lunch in Disneytown before heading back to the park.  We decided on Wolfgang Puck’s today.  I ended up with a my goto meal a burger.   Their well done burger was more medium than well but it was very hot and had a great bun.  Interesting when you ordered a Pepsi here you got an aluminum can, that was not cold. 
  • The rain was really scattered showers so they blow through and you would have periods of rain then nothing.  So it slowed us down but did not really impact the crowd or stop us.
  • Back in the park I was able to see a full Tai Chi with Character show in between showers.  I realized I saw 90% of the show the other day.  It was still entertaining to watch the characters.
  • Took in a second showing of the Tarzan show and it was as entertaining as the first yesterday.  We really enjoyed the show.  With all the activity on stage on a second viewing you were able to see some things you did not the first time through.
  • I had a good spot for the Golden Fairytale Fanfare show then a balloon vendor walked in front of us and would not move.  Other guests around me were actually yelling at him but with the show going on he could not hear us.   The show was stopped due to rain unfortunately.
  • To get out of the rain and see something new I headed back to the Disneyland hotel to see the evening food offerings at the Magic Kingdom Club.   
  • The ferry boat was not operating again in the afternoon. Not sure if this was a schedule thing or something to do with weather. I saw no signs.  Just no movement so opted for the bus.
  •  This was my first visit to the Magic Kingdom Club in the evening.  The other nights I did not make it due to wanting to maximize my park time. Others in our party did and said it was a mixed bag.  For example they said other nights there were chicken nuggets, tonight it was hot dogs and they were not that appealing looking.  I took a look and ended up with just something to drink.  
  • We saw the boat was running again so decided to take it.  Of course we just missed it and had to wait.  It seemed slower this evening.
  • Back in the park spent my final evening strolling around the park and enjoying the evening.   The lines were bad and the park open 30 minutes later.  It was Friday night so that makes sense.   We really enjoyed just hanging out in Tomorrowland and watching the lights and fountains.
  • I was trying to get from Treasure Cove to a spot to watch Ignite the Dream and ran into a solid mass of guests queued up for the show.  There was no crowd control or walkways in that area of the Gardens of Imagination.  We doubled back and took the parade route around.  The quiet spot I had found last night for the show was better than other areas but substantially more crowded than last night.  
  • As the show ended the crowd once again turned and moved quickly toward the exit.  We were going to watch the post show but decided it was better to follow the crowd than to keep being run into. 
  • Again no crowd for the boat.  We boarded and returned to the Disneyland Hotel one last time.  Tomorrow we head for Tokyo.

Pedometer Stats
Miles 10.0
Steps 26,590
Moderate Steps 18,646
Moderate Steps/Time 166

Shanghai Disneyland - Day 4 - Part I Part I: Camp Discovery & Baymax Super Exercise Expo

A morning visit to Fantasyland then Adventure Isle before wrapping up in Tomorrowland.
Shanghai Disneyland - Day 4 - Part II Part II: Toy Story Hotel

A look around the Toy Story Hotel

Shanghai Disneyland - Day 4 - Part III

Part III: Gardens of Imagination & Mickey Avenue

Tai Chi with Character, Avenue M Interior, Mickey's Storybook Express & Golden Fairytale Fanfare

Shanghai Disneyland - Day 4 - Part IV Part IV: Shanghai Disneyland Hotel

Magic Kingdom Club, Bacchus Lounge and Ballet Cafe

Shanghai Disneyland - Day 4 - Part V Part V: Final Evening in the Park

Mickey Avenue, Tomorrowland and Ignite the Dream to close out my visit to Shanghai Disneyland.

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