home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > May 6, 2009 - Page 117 of 121 - << previous page : next page >>
The winner of our show would go on to compete in the finale show against the winners of the other shows then that person wins a golden ticket/fastpass for any American Idol try out so they do not have to wait in line.
The winner of our show would go on to compete in the finale show against the winners of the other shows then that person wins a golden ticket/fastpass for any American Idol try out so they do not have to wait in line.
Rumor is some hints were dropped at the 20th anniversary talks that the hat may be leaving soon (hope that is true)
Rumor is some hints were dropped at the 20th anniversary talks that the hat may be leaving soon (hope that is true)
HSM 3 performing
HSM 3 performing
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