home > Shanghai Disneyland > Pictures > Tuesday, April 10, 2018 - Page 26 of 30 - << previous page : next page >>
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We reached the front of Disneytown and realized we were fenced in.  All day guests were being corralled around Disneytown to a massive security line.
We reached the front of Disneytown and realized we were fenced in. All day guests were being corralled around Disneytown to a massive security line. Click to switch to large image view
We found a security cast member and asked where to go (he found someone who knew English and they called someone and eventually decided to let us through and told us to get into the big line with everyone else).  It was just 8am and the gates were opening.
We found a security cast member and asked where to go (he found someone who knew English and they called someone and eventually decided to let us through and told us to get into the big line with everyone else). It was just 8am and the gates were opening. Click to switch to large image view
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