home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, August, 20, 2010

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  • Page Number: 1
    Forgot to mention last week the posters at the Ticket booths have also been updated to reflect the new prices.
    Heading for the Backlot first, the new walkway should be open this week.
  • Page Number: 2
    Yep, its open...
    The walls have been expanded in the area between Tower and the Hyperion. Wonder if a permanent curb is going in or something else.
  • Page Number: 3
    Now onto the new area.. here is the entrance to Bugs Land.
    Where the Red Car stop will be I believe. Notice the wig wag on the right. Also nice to see the painting on the gate survived.
    The other gate (leading toward the animation/playhouse Disney backstage), wonder if something will go on this eventually.
  • Page Number: 4
    The rockwork and plants looking toward bugs
    A closer shot, looks to be the same one.
    A better shot of the wig wag
  • Page Number: 5
    To help with orientation the large building beyond the Fastpass is the Animation building.
  • Page Number: 6
    Standing at the gate and looking out.
    The new benches/waiting area.
  • Page Number: 7
    Looking back.
  • Page Number: 8
    Let us move over to the Bugs side..
  • Page Number: 9
  • Page Number: 10
  • Page Number: 11
    Looking back. They did a nice job of obstructing the views and when the trees grow in more it will be even better.
  • Page Number: 12
    Heading into the Farm area noticed the seats have been removed along the walk way.
    Moving on to the Pier, they are painting the tubes on Screamin notice the one in the background and the new blue.
  • Page Number: 13
    Random shot of Cars Land work (out of focus) but you see not too much visible change here.
    Some painting going on
    The left two platforms of WoC were up.
  • Page Number: 14
    Not much visible change from this angle
    More mesh going up on the white area of the steel
    Scream CMs sporting their new costumes. The attraction was down, which gave the great opportunity to get three variations of the outfit in one shot.
  • Page Number: 15
    Now a series of shots of the tubes, some painted some not all the way.
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  • Page Number: 17
  • Page Number: 18
    Now from the Fun Wheel
    Forms are rising out of the tire pit... and looks like they are done digging around it for the most part.
  • Page Number: 19
    Flos is moving slowly
  • Page Number: 20
  • Page Number: 21
    Over to do a pan of the Little Mermaid from left to right..
  • Page Number: 22
    No vertical work yet in the center area, but some pre-positioned steel, also no visible progress on the track segments.
  • Page Number: 23
    Guess the steel they are assembling on the far side is still for the massive structure in front of the show building.
  • Page Number: 24
    Guessing this may be the kitchen area? That is a lot of conduit/pipes sticking up.
  • Page Number: 25
    Moving another form into place
    Over at the Mermaid site looks like forms and rebar are in for some more of the floor.
  • Page Number: 26
    Screamin was still down.
    A large crane backstage, not sure which project it was for..
  • Page Number: 27
    In my ongoing series.. the Muppet ship has moved again.
    No visible progress on the show building roof.
  • Page Number: 28
    Only a 10 min wait for Maliboomer and they were only running one Tower it looked like.
    A couple shots from the SS Rustworthy
    What is that I see.. some progress?
  • Page Number: 29
    Looks like some drywall/studs? Or was this done before..
    Walls are up around the former smoking area, wonder if this is to start to prep the area for the PT Flea building, I think this is where it is going.
  • Page Number: 30
    Noticed a Mickey (not sure it counts as hidden).. do you see it??
    A closer shot.
    Looking back at the walls
  • Page Number: 31
    Mermaid from the ground and Zephyr
  • Page Number: 32
    The umbrellas were up this week, but the fountain was still off.
    The water was still brown but did not see as much algae this week so either its getting better or its so bad you cannot see the stuff floating in it..
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  • Page Number: 34
    More painting
  • Page Number: 35
    In one of the elevators at the Grand Californian
    Overlooking the pools.
    Now over to the Disneyland hotel. Work on the Wonder Tower is progressing.
  • Page Number: 36
    To get in and out of the tower you have to use the back door (to the left in this shot) the other side is complete walled off now.
  • Page Number: 37
    Walking around to the other side, here are the walls I mentioned. They were still installing them.
    And moving in the construction trailer/office.
  • Page Number: 38
    Since the wall is not done you were able to look around/behind it..
  • Page Number: 39
    The gym is now on the first floor of the Dreams Tower while the work is going on.
    You were not allowed to walk beyond Goofys
  • Page Number: 40
    The old News Stand (and been at least a half dozen other stores over the years) now sells hand art.
  • Page Number: 41
    The Board Factory did not last long
  • Page Number: 42
    No sign of the Sea Gulls yet, but their buoy is still backstage.
    Wanted to ride Alice but the line was still over 30 minutes the couple times I passed by.
    The walls in Toontown are down.
  • Page Number: 43
    Speaking of the Alice line. I did see Kobe Bryant being escorted on with his kids. I wanted to see how an NBA player fit in the caterpillars but with the crowd I could not get a shot of just him so I opted to skip it...
    A couple random Haunted Mansion shots (jumped on since there was no wait and it closes soon to be transformed for the holidays)
  • Page Number: 44
    Not too crowded out there.
    The waits around 4:00pm, not bad at all for summer, guess the park is taking a breather..
    Decided to hike out to Harbor to see what I could see.. here are the new buildings backstage that were built along the perimeter, I am not sure if I ever posted a shot from this side. They have been done for quite a while now.
  • Page Number: 45
    There was one small area were you could see the front side of the rockwork, so I snapped a couple shots.
    The one thing that you get from this angle is the size of the structure, its going to be impressive to stand in Radiator Springs and look up at the rocks
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  • Page Number: 47
    Heading back saw Gene Autrys star
    Notice to the left they now have a set of self service kiosks
  • Page Number: 48
    No platform for the band director during the Flag Retreat.
    New banners in front of the castle
  • Page Number: 49
    The Billies
  • Page Number: 50
    This sign jumped out at me, looked new/bright..
    A closer look
    The waits just before 6pm
  • Page Number: 51
    A new cover over the coffee cart.
    A couple random Mermaid shots
  • Page Number: 52
  • Page Number: 53
    GRR was down
    Still giving out Fastpasses for World of Color
  • Page Number: 54
    Almost dinner time?
    In the Off the Page store the WDCC pieces have lost their space in the center display
    They are now off by one of the desks
  • Page Number: 55
    Stopped by the Animation Building
    Back out to the new transition area and Red Car stop
  • Page Number: 56
    Had to try out the bench.. not that uncomfortable but not that comfortable either...
  • Page Number: 57
  • Page Number: 58
    Noticed all the props near the restrooms on the backlot are gone
  • Page Number: 59
  • Page Number: 60
    The ball people (not sure their real name) that kick off Glow Fest
    One person out to watch the show (others filled in once they asked everyone to come closer).
  • Page Number: 61
    The Glow Fest party moved to the Backlot
  • Page Number: 62
    The VW now pulled all the way down the street
    Some dance lessons going on.
    Hmm.. interesting the Bollywood dancer took over the VW
  • Page Number: 63
    A closer shot
    Went back to check out the new area after dark.. not that interesting, but it works.
  • Page Number: 64
    To close with I finally made it onto Snow White.. so a couple shots attempting to show the new effects (which did not come out that well).
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