home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, August, 20, 2010 - Page 43 of 64 - << previous page : next page >>
Speaking of the Alice line.  I did see Kobe Bryant being escorted on with his kids.  I wanted to see how an NBA player fit in the caterpillars but with the crowd I could not get a shot of just him so I opted to skip it...
Speaking of the Alice line. I did see Kobe Bryant being escorted on with his kids. I wanted to see how an NBA player fit in the caterpillars but with the crowd I could not get a shot of just him so I opted to skip it... Click to switch to large image view
A couple random Haunted Mansion shots (jumped on since there was no wait and it closes soon to be transformed for the holidays)
A couple random Haunted Mansion shots (jumped on since there was no wait and it closes soon to be transformed for the holidays) Click to switch to large image view
Click to switch to large image view