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Disneyland ResortPicture Set

Visit Date: 2/08/08
Steps: 17,951
Parks Miles: 8.21
Time in Parks: 7


Trip Log:

Started off this perfect Southern California afternoon heading for California Adventure to see what, if anything was going on for the parks 7th birthday. Entered and walked out toward the farm area, through the Wharf and to the Pier. Circled around past the Orange Stinger and to the Sun Wheel. Went for a trip around the Sun and then doubled back along the Pier and around to the other side by Screamin. After taking some pictures of the Toy Story work strolled down the parade route and to the Backlot. Circled past Monsters, which is now open, and then stopped by the Animation Building. Walked through Condor Flats and over to the Grand Californian. Spent some time walking around and taking some pictures of the expansion before exiting out to Downtown Disney. Walked back through the security tents and over to Disneyland. Wandered around Main street a while and ended up heading toward Adventureland. Decided to hike through the tree house and then doubled back to the Adventureland entrance and into Frontierland. Saw the Mark Twain was arriving so headed out there and went for a ride around the Rivers of America. Once back on land strolled along the Big Thunder Trail, stopping at the Ranch which re-opened today. Then into Fantasyland. Continued on to the Small World Mall then circled back around the Matterhorn and past the Sub Lagoon. Stopped by Innoventions and then grabbed a Fastpass for Buzz on my way to Main Street. Walked past the Castle and Plaza Gardens and then snapped some pictures of the Partners statue before heading down to Town Square for the Flag Retreat. After the ceremony walked back up Main Street and saw on the lineboard Nemo was down, so headed over there to see if anything interesting was going on, it was not. Next up dinner at the Village Haus. After dinner walked the Big Thunder Trail and over to NOS, walked through Adventureland and out to Tomorrowland again to see what was going on with the subs, not much... I wandered down Main Street and over to DCA. Walked down the Backlot and lined up for Aladdin. After the show walked by Monsters and there was still a line so headed out to the Pier. Walked over by Screamin and then back through the Bay Area. Walked around GRR and stopped at the Redwood Creek trail to take some pictures. Made one more swing past Monsters before heading out by the Pier to watch the Electrical Parade. After the parade walked past GRR and through Condor Flats to exit the park and head to Disneyland. Spent some time trying to get some good shots of the lights in the Floral Mickey at the entrance then wandered around Main Street for a while. Ended up in Tomorrowland and stopped a Club Buzz to see who was performing. Only lasted through one song before heading back to Main Street. I decided to call it an early evening and headed for the trams. They were really backed up so hiked back to the car and headed home.

Other Interesting Stats:
* Actual Walking Time: 3:22:07
* 88 steps per minute average
* 2.43 mph average

For Comparisons to other trips or more park miles click here to visit our park Miles Section.

Note: These totals may be skewed because the pedometer is zero'd when we start and then left alone and read when we leave. So attractions, and other things may cause extra "steps" to be counted. The pedometer that we use basically measures up/down motion as a step, so if your standing in line and moving up and down it may be counting steps, etc.. so the total distances traveled and steps may be off.. so use these as rough distance comparisons between trips and they may not be accurate in terms of actual distance traveled.

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My Thoughts & Observations:

* After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Hello everyone,

Friday was a great day at the Disneyland Resort. The weather crept into the mid-upper 70s during the afternoon and the crowds were light. Most attractions at both parks had wait times under 30 minutes with just a couple of exceptions like Nemo for most of the afternoon. The off season was here for a week at least. Next week is Presidents Day and many schools are off so I expect the crowds to return, especially if the weather stays nice.


Trip logs and mileage reports are in the Park Miles section.

Disneyland & DCA Thoughts and Observations:

  • Friday marked the 7th birthday of California Adventure and there was no real evidence of this anywhere in the park. I was expecting there to be at least a CM pin/button, and I did not see any. The park was its usual self, with light attendance and you could walk on most attractions with less than 20 minute wait (many true walkons) most of the afternoon. To celebrate the birthday I decided to spend some extra time in the park so I stopped by Aladdin and then I went to watch the Electrical Parade and showed up near Golden Dreams about 5 minutes till parade time and found a bench to sit on. There was one row of guests sitting along the route and then a second row of us sitting on the benches, what a nice crowd.. or lack of. I wonder how much longer the Aladdin show is going to run, its been performing since 2003 so coming up on 5 years.

  • Monsters Inc was open on Friday, I walked by a handful of times but the line was always out the door (so probably 15 minutes or so) which was beyond what I wanted to wait. From the outside there appears to be no real changes. From what I have seen/heard the only real noticeable change is load gates at the station. Everything else was normal rehab things (new paint, repairs, etc..) or sensor/ride safety items.

  • Toy Story Mania is coming along, as you saw in the pictures. A great New York Times article is available and it features a time lapse of the work going on inside the attraction. Click here to read/view.

  • I received an email from a fan of the site with some info on the work being done across from GRR and the Grand Californian. According to him I was partially correct, they are connecting the two. Here is the info I received:
    "From what I understand they are building a bridge that will connect the walkway by the snack area. Last I heard its just suppose to be used as an emergency exit although I could see them eventually realizing that they could pick up some traffic from people that might want to get a snack"

  • I left Disneyland around 9pm since there was no Fantasmic and I could not tolerate more than a song from the band at the Tomorrowland Terrace. Once I got out to the tram stop I was greeted by a mass of people. I waited through two trams and was still two or three trams back. I could see this was going to be a while so I decided to hike back to the car. During the walk only two trams pasted me so I think I made the correct decision, wonder why so few trams were running and why the line was so long considering how quiet the parks seemed. I guess quite a few people decided to leave the same time.

  • I noticed in the Disneyland park map there is a coming soon add for the Pixar Play Parade the Playhouse Disney - Live on Stage which is receiving a new show and will reopen in March.

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

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