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Visit Date: 10/26/07
Steps: 10,944
Parks Miles: 5.18
Time in Parks: 7:15


Trip Log:

Started off this smokey friday afternoon heading for Disneyland. Roamed down Main Street and around the hub before entering Adventureland. I walked through Adventureland and NOS on my way to grab a Fastpass for Haunted Mansion. Then wandered out to Critter Country and grabbed some shots of Fort Wilderness from the Hungry Bear before walking back through the Harbor and along the Rivers of America to Frontierland. Headed around the Big Thunder trail where I bumped into a large group of characters (I believe it was a training session) and then into Fantasyland. Walked out past Small World (which is being transformed to the Holiday version. Then I walked out to Toontown. Made the loop and walked back through the Small World Mall and around the Matterhorn to Tomorrowland. Headed back down Main Street and over to DCA. Noticed that Golden Screams was about to start to hiked out there, by way of Condor Flats, around GRR and through the Bay area to watch the show. Afterwards walked around the Pier and went for a ride on the Sun Wheel to get some construction shots. Finished the loop of the Pier and headed to the Backlot by way of the Wharf/Farm area. Made the loop of the Backlot and then spent some time taking pictures of the DCA entrance area for the photo archive before construction starts. Headed back to Disneyland. Had 15 minutes till the Flag Retreat so walked out to Buzz to grab a Fastpass and then back to Town Square for the Retreat. After the ceremony headed to DCA and grabbed dinner at Taste Pilots Grill. After dinner roamed around Condor Flats for a while then headed for the Grand Californian. Walked over to look at the construction and then headed out to Downtown Disney. Walked through the World of Disney and then headed back to Disneyland. Walked down Main Street and into Frontierland. Missed the last Mark Twain cruise of the day by 5 minutes so walked along the Rivers of America and out to the Huanted Mansion. Used my Fastpass and then headed out to Critter Country again and walked all the way to the end (last time I stopped at the Hungry Bear). Walked back through the Harbor area and along the Rivers of a America. Notice no line for the train, so headed through the HM crowd and over there. Rode around to Tomorrowland where I disembarked and headed to Innoventions. Hiked up the exit ramp (since the lower level is now closed) and walked around the couple remaining exhibits before going back to Tomorrowland. Used my Fastpass for Buzz and then walked through Tomorrowland, around the Sub Lagoon and out to Fantasyland. Circled Fantasyland and then continued on to Frontierland by way of the Big Thunder trail and ended up circling around to the Castle. Wandered down Main Street taking some pictures of the Halloween decoratoins before calling it an early evening and heading home.

Other Interesting Stats:
* Actual Walking Time: 2:24:07
* 71 steps per minute average
* 2.01 mph average

For Comparisons to other trips or more park miles click here to visit our park Miles Section.

Note: These totals may be skewed because the pedometer is zero'd when we start and then left alone and read when we leave. So attractions, and other things may cause extra "steps" to be counted. The pedometer that we use basically measures up/down motion as a step, so if your standing in line and moving up and down it may be counting steps, etc.. so the total distances traveled and steps may be off.. so use these as rough distance comparisons between trips and they may not be accurate in terms of actual distance traveled.

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My Thoughts & Observations:

* After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Hello everyone,

Friday was a relaxing day for me at the Disneyland Resort. The crowds were mild and the weather ok for a autumn Friday. There was a slight hint of smoke in the air from the fires but much better than earlier in the week. The lines for most attractions were manageable with Nemo being the long wait and I never saw it dip below an hour.


Trip logs and mileage reports are in the Park Miles section.

Disneyland & DCA Thoughts and Observations:

  • As you saw in the pictorial update I stumbled into a character training session or something. It was great to see so many characters in such a small space and some that I had not seen out in quite a while. Also I found it interesting to watch the Disney CMs who were observing them. They had several using polaroid cameras taking shots of various things (I guess that's quicker for them than digital)? As I mentioned in the pictorial update I was amazed at the number of people who did not know some of the characters. It was especially troublesome the number of adults who had no clue the penguins were from Mary Poppins (I overheard at least three different people talking about them, and two of them were not talking to children). They kept referring to them as Happy Feet! Also I was surprised that more people knew the Country Bears (or at least that they were Country Bears) than knew the Pinocchio people.

  • I decided to give Golden Screams a second try, I did not care for the show that much but thought why not... after all the guide map said it was new... well it was not too new. Really the only change I noticed was the Queen of Hearts was gone and the Judge from Hunchback was part of the show instead. I still did not find the show too appealing. I did enjoying seeing some of the old clips on the big screen again though.

  • As I was leaving the Golden Screams I heard an announcement that the High School Musical 2 show was canceled.. never did find out why.

  • While walking around the Rivers of America I noticed two CMs setting up for the next Pirate show on the Island and they tested a splash effect in the river. I had not seen that before... it looked to be for the canon sequence. I was not fast enough to get a shot of it and I was a little short on time so I did not stick around for the show to see it.

  • I grabbed a quick dinner at the Taste Pilots Grill at DCA and now (or at least the CM that helped me Friday) was enforcing the $10 min. on an order to get the annual pass discount. No place in DCA had ever given me an issue with this before. Wonder if this is a new tightening of the belt... its too bad.. but I guess in a couple years a burger and fries will be $10 but by that time they will probably raise the min to $15...

  • I got off the train in Tomorrowland and had to walk through the smoking section... I still cannot believe enough people have complained about this to force it to be moved or just closed down... It seems like such poor planning to making the smoking area be along the only walkway from the train depot to Tomorrowland and on top of that its a narrow walkway to begin with... so in addition to the smoke you have people jammed in there..

  • I spent some time walking around Innoventions which is really a shell of its former self right now. The entire first level is walled off as they are preparing new exhibits, I read somewhere it will be a Microsoft exhibit. The second floor also has a huge gap as the Pioneer exhibit is gone too. You would think with all that was closed they would offer some extra, later in the evening, ASIMO shows, but they did not. It was kind of nice to walk up the ramp and right in without having to wait or go through the film.

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

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