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Visit Date: 08/03/07
Steps: 13,575
Parks Miles: 6.42
Time in Parks: 5.5


Trip Log:

Started off this great Southern California day heading to DCA. Walked through Condor Flats grabbing a Fastpass for Soarin and then strolled by GRR on my way out to the Pier. Walked by the Cove, Screamin, Toy Story Mania, and out to the Sun Wheel. Went for a trip around the sun and then finished my loop of the pier walking by the Orange Stinger and around to the Wharf. Cut through the Wharf and farm areas and crossed through the Sunshine Plaza on my way to the Backlot. Not much going on as I circled the backlot so headed back to the entrance and over to Disneyland. Wandered down Main Street USA and into Adventureland. Walked through the treehouse and then up to the Gallery since it had a week extension and will now close Tuesday. After spending some time in the Gallery walked through New Orleans Square and out to Critter Country. Turned around and walked along the Rivers of America and around the Big Thunder Trail on my way to Toontown via Fantasyland. Spent some time in Toontown and then back through the Small World Mall and around the Matterhorn (by the Nemo line) and into Tomorrowland. Went for a round trip journey on the Monorail and then back to Fantasyland to grab a picture of a hidden Nemo before heading back to Main Street for the Flag Retreat. After the ceremony caught a couple songs from the College Band in front of the Castle then headed for DCA and dinner at Taste Pilots Grill. Back to Disneyland for the College Band set at 5:45 in Tomorrowland then I reversed course again and headed back to DCA to use my Soarin Fastpass before calling it an early evening.

Other Interesting Stats:
* Actual Walking Time: 2:24:53
* 93 steps per minute average
* 2.66 mph average

For Comparisons to other trips or more park miles click here to visit our park Miles Section.

Note: These totals may be skewed because the pedometer is zero'd when we start and then left alone and read when we leave. So attractions, and other things may cause extra "steps" to be counted. The pedometer that we use basically measures up/down motion as a step, so if your standing in line and moving up and down it may be counting steps, etc.. so the total distances traveled and steps may be off.. so use these as rough distance comparisons between trips and they may not be accurate in terms of actual distance traveled.

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My Thoughts & Observations:

* After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Hello all,

Friday was another great day at the Disneyland Resort. The weather was calm, the crowds were average, and I just relaxed and roamed the parks. The lines at most attractions were what you would expect for the summer with the subs being the only really long line and even that was shorter than the 120 posted minutes. Over at DCA the lines were well under an hour at Soarin' and GRR (Screamin' was down when I walked by). I had a very small agenda on this trip, basically to catch the College Band and to stop by the Gallery again since it was still open for a few extra days.


Trip logs and mileage reports are in the Park Miles section.

Disneyland & DCA Thoughts and Observations:

  • I saw the carriage rides again, as you saw in the pictorial updates, so I guess this is a regular dream come true event now. I saw them load some guests, they had an umbrella with some water for the guests while they waited near the crosswalk at the Tram Stop. The carriage pulled up, they got in, and then they were off. I was surprised at the pace the horse went at, it was quite fast. This is a nice little touch and the guests onboard seemed to really enjoy it.

  • Over at DCA the Pier attractions were having some problems on Friday. Screamin' was down, Jumpin Jellyfish was reduced to one tower, and the Zephyr was closed due to wind. So add all that up and half the attractions in the area were closed.

  • I spent some more time up in the Disney Gallery as you saw in the pictorial update. According to the CMs (as well as several websites) the Gallery closes Tuesday. As I mentioned last visit this is a disappointing.

  • As I went to leave the garage I ran into some car troubles (my battery died). I flagged down a Disney Security person, who was off to another call and said he'd be back in a few minutes to help. 20 minutes later another CM came by and tried to help me out. His jump start kit did not work so I still had to call AAA but now it seemed every 5 minutes or so a CM stop by to check on me or drove by or pulled up to talk for a while. Overall after the initial waiting I'd have to say the Disney security people were friendly and tried to help as much as they could.. In the 2 hours I was in the garage with the hood of my car up (and I was parked in the first spot right next to the main walkway so almost all cars exiting had to drive by me) only one guest stopped to see if I needed any help. I was a little surprised by that, I thought at least a couple in that time period would say something. Even the ones walking to their cars ignored me for the most part. Also I was surprised that the custodial CMs who emptied the trash cans did not stop and at least offer to call security, they just drove on by. Luckily for me I left the parks early so I was waiting at 7pm instead of 10pm or 11pm.

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

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