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Disneyland ResortPicture Set

Visit Date: 07/06/07
Steps: 18,447
Parks Miles: 8.73
Time in Parks: 8.5


Trip Log:

Started off this perfect summer day heading for DCA. Walked into Condor Flats and grabbed a Fastpass for Soarin and then continued around GRR and out to the Pier. Walked around by Screamin and the Toy Story Mania construction before going for a spin on the Sun Wheel. Once back on the ground finished the loop walking by the Pizza Place, the Zephyr, and headed to the Wharf. Contineud on to the Farm and made the circle of Fliks Fun Fair. Wandered back to the Sun Plaza and down the Backlot. Went for a ride on Monsters since it was a walk on and then stopped by the Animation Building to see if anything new was going on. Now it was time to head to Disneyland. Strolled down Main Street, stopping by the line board and circling the hub on my way to Tomorrowland and to grab a Fastpass for Buzz. I then followed the Nemo line out toward the Small World Mall. I stopped by Toontown to see what was new, not much just some painting, and then circled back through Fantasyland and around the Big Thunder trail to the Rivers of America. Went out to Tom Sawyer Island. Walked the Island for a while, caught part of the show and then back to the mainland. Walked along the Rivers and through Fowlers Harbor out to Critter Country. Turned around and walked back through NOS. Spotted the two characters from Ratatouille out for pictures in New Orleans Square and then headed to the Golden Horseshoe to catch the 4:00pm Billy Hill set. After their set wandered down Main Street and caught the first half of the Flag Retreat before heading to the castle to watch the College Band. After their set roamed around Main Street for a while then headed back to Tomorrowland to grab another Fastpass for Buzz, check the Nemo line and to watch the College Band set. Grabbed a quick dinner at the corn dog cart and then headed for the Nemo line. The posted wait was 90 minutes. The line moved slightly faster than that, it was about 75 for us. After Nemo we circled out of Tomorrowland toward Main Street by the Matterhorn, stopping at the King Triton Fountains and then back into Tomorrowland to ride Buzz. The Fastpass return line was jammed up so bypassed that and went to Innoventions to see what was new. After Innoventions we wandered around Tomorrowland a bit and then back to Buzz for to use the Fastpasses. After Buzz we heard the 10 minute announcement for the fireworks so joined the masses and circled the hub to head down Main Street to find a spot for the show. After Remember headed for the trams, cars, and home.

Other Interesting Stats:
* Actual Walking Time: 3:14:44
* 94 steps per minute average
* 2.69 mph average

For Comparisons to other trips or more park miles click here to visit our park Miles Section.

Note: These totals may be skewed because the pedometer is zero'd when we start and then left alone and read when we leave. So attractions, and other things may cause extra "steps" to be counted. The pedometer that we use basically measures up/down motion as a step, so if your standing in line and moving up and down it may be counting steps, etc.. so the total distances traveled and steps may be off.. so use these as rough distance comparisons between trips and they may not be accurate in terms of actual distance traveled.

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My Thoughts & Observations:

* After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Hello all,

Friday was a great day at the Disneyland Resort. The weather has returned to normal around here (warm, mid 80s, during the day, cool at night) and the crowds were not too bad. Most of the major attractions were well under an hour most of the afternoon/evening. Even Nemo seemed to be under 90 minutes most of the time. Wonder if the holiday in the middle of the week split up the traditional crowds (I have not read anything, how was Wednesday at the parks, my guess it would have been less crowded than usual for the 4th?)

Trip logs and mileage reports are in the Park Miles section.

Disneyland & DCA Thoughts and Observations:

  • I spent a good hour and half at DCA today, which is much more time than the past few weeks. I walked to almost all the corners (skipped the Tower of Terror area) to see what was going on, and to sum it up, not much. The walkways had a fair number of people but things seemed fairly dead to me and for it being summer, the crowds seemed light to me. Its kind of sad the lack of live entertainment in the park. The bands on the Wharf stage are long gone, even Road Trip is gone this year, the backlot stage now only holds the Drawn to Animation show. The Cars characters have permanently moved into Condor Flats it appears and no longer drive the Pier to make an appearance.

  • The Lazygeek had not been on the subs yet, so we decided to line up and go for a ride. The line had a posted time of 90 minutes, but it moved a little quicker than that. It was about the same as I waited last time, an hour fifteen. I did enjoy the wait a bit more this time since it was later in the day and the sun was behind the Matterhorn, where as last time it was the heat of the day.

    • While waiting we noticed the subs were in order this time around (meaning numerically)

    • They were handing out a new version of the VMK quest. The challenges/questions were the same, but this time the back panel had the maze shrunk and a VMK prize card was added (its the middle of the sub, you can get the front and back by playing the Nemo game online

    • Our adventure started off on a different note... just as we started to "dive" a woman in the middle of the boat stood up and was having some trouble (seems she had some claustrophobia issues and did not know/think about it before boarding). The CM stopped the sub and talked to her for a minute then they made their way to the front of the sub and he popped the hatch so she could get some fresh air. After a couple minutes she sat down on the first seat by the stairs and he closed the hatch but did not seal it. He said they could not return to the dock since the boat behind us was already there. So at this point he had to go forward to get out of the middle of the lagoon and if she needed/wanted him to stop again to just ask and he would stop and open the hatch fully so she can poke her head out. So we continued on with the hatch closed, but not sealed so there was a gap. They turned the waterfalls off while our sub went through the area (or else we would have gotten quite wet). Some water did come in during the mine sequence and the Lazygeek got fairly wet on one side (we had the end two seats but then moved down two to let this woman and her husband have the seats at the bottom of the staircase). After exiting there were a couple CMs who took some time to talk to this woman off to the side to make sure she was ok

    • This was only my second time on the new version of the attraction and this time I spent more time listening to the narration and looking around, vs. taking pictures and I really enjoyed it. The narration has some good lines in it and the animations were much more enjoyable without worry how my pictures would come out.

  • We rode Buzz and the Lazygeek managed to hit a 100,0000 point target, it was located on the large Zurg figure near the beginning of the ride. He was aiming for the hole under the medallion on the figure (with his aim though not sure what he actually hit).. this one target accounted for more than half his score. Anyone else have any Buzz tips to share?

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

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