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Disneyland ResortPicture Set

Visit Date: 02/09/07
Steps: 18,944
Parks Miles: 8.97
Time in Parks: 8:30


Trip Log:

Started off this overcast day at the Disneyland Resort heading for Disneyland. Wandered down Main Street and around the hub. Walked through the castle and into Fantasyland. Headed through Fantasyland and around the Matterhorn on my way to Tomorrowland. Stopped at the Monorail to see what was happening in the sub lagoon then continued on through Tomorrowland, grabbing a Fastpass for Buzz. Once back on Main Street circled through the Castle again and into Fantasyland but this time verred to the left and took the Big Thunder Trail to Frontierland. Strolled along the Rivers of America (stopping at Pirates since it was a walk on) then continued along the River and out to Critter Country. Took some pictures then reversed course and went back to the Mark Twain dock. Took a spin around the Rivers to see if anything was happening on the Island and then walked through Adventureland and back to Main Street. Headed over to DCA and walked the parade route out to the Pier. Stopped to take some Toy Story Mania pictures then rode the Sun Wheel to get some more shots before finishing the loop of the Pier. Walked through the Bay Area and around GRR into Condor Flats where I grabbed a Fastpass for Soarin. It was nearing 4:30 so headed over to Disneyland to catch the Flag Retreat and then back to DCA for dinner at Taste Pilots. After eating caught the end of Block Party Bash and then headed down the Backlot to see what was going on. Took in the 6:00pm Aladdin show. After the show went back to Condor Flats and used my Fastpass for Soarin before heading over to Disneyland. The 7pm Parade was at its second stop at the end of Main Street as I entered so I walked through the stores on the West side of Main Street and walked through the Castle and Fantasyland in an attempt to by pass the parade. Made it out to Small World about the same time the lead float was stopping for the 3rd and final performance stop. Went for a cruise on Small World and had a boat to myself (and the one in front and two behind were empty too). Next up walked into Toontown to see what was happening and saw Roger Rabbit was a walk on so went for a spin. Finished walking around Toontown and then headed back through Fantasyland and the Big Thunder trail. Walked through Adventureland and stopped to see the Tiki Room. Next up Tomorrowland and used my Fastpass for Buzz then wandered around the land a bit and back to Main Street to take some pictures. Caught the Fireworks and then headed for home.

Other Interesting Stats:
* Actual Walking Time: 2:59:09
* 105 steps per minute average
* 3.00 mph average

For Comparisons to other trips or more park miles click here to visit our park Miles Section.

Note: These totals may be skewed because the pedometer is zero'd when we start and then left alone and read when we leave. So attractions, and other things may cause extra "steps" to be counted. The pedometer that we use basically measures up/down motion as a step, so if your standing in line and moving up and down it may be counting steps, etc.. so the total distances traveled and steps may be off.. so use these as rough distance comparisons between trips and they may not be accurate in terms of actual distance traveled.

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My Thoughts & Observations:

* After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Hello all,

Friday was a cool(weather wise) and cloudy off-season day at the Disneyland Resort. The crowds at the parks were light for most of the afternoon/evening and with some good luck I was able to walk right onto several attractions. Its been quite a few visits since I remember being able to do this on a Friday night. I think the combination of the weather and the time of year led to this. My longest wait of the day was for the Sun Wheel, where I had to wait one full cycle (about 15 minutes).


Trip logs and mileage reports are in the Park Miles section.

Disneyland & DCA Thoughts and Observations:

  • Thursday marked a milestone many people forgot to mention, it was the 6th anniversary of DCA's opening. This was not a milestone year by any means but I thought I should mention it. In thinking back, through the last year, I find it hard to remember anything new or exciting at DCA. The closest thing may be the California Food and Wine Weekends this past fall. The only two other things that come to mind are the High School Musical Pep Rally and the Cars meet and greet. The park was fairly static this year (unless I am blanking on something). This upcoming year promises to be about the same from what I have read. It appears 2008 is when things will really start to change with the opening of Toy Story Mania out on the Pier and looking further into the future there are rumors of a new lagoon show and a new Cars based attraction by the end of the decade, plus the rumors of a make-over (think of it as extreme makeover - theme park edition) as part of the placemaking project to re-mold DCA. It should be interesting to watch this park evolve, just as it has been the past six years.

  • Disneyland seemed really quiet as the sun went down Friday. There was no Fantasmic, no band in Tomorrowland, nothing going on at Plaza Gardens, and just an overall quietness, almost felt like DCA... I know things slow down during the off season but I always thought Friday nights still felt active.

  • While wandering through Frontierland, which was really quiet in the evening, I was wondering what ever happened to the country entertainment the resort used to have. I remember once upon a time when the local country station would be in Frontierland on some evenings (think it may have been just a weekend night during the summer) a good 15 years or so ago I think and it may have been in the Golden Horseshoe. I thought that was a nice touch and brought some life to this area of the park after dark. Speaking of country music its one genre that's missing in terms of night time entertainment. The last time the resort had a major country influence was back with the Neon Cactus at the Disneyland Hotel (which I was a little too young to go into at the time, but I do remember hearing the bands from outside). During the day Billy Hill and the Hillbillies perform as well as the Miner 49ers over at DCA, but as the sun sets both groups are done for the day and both are more blue grass than country. The Tomorrowland Terrace does not even host any country groups (the closest would be Elvis and maybe if you stretch it Barrage) and I do not remember seeing anyone in Downtown Disney but I have to admit I do not spend a lot of time listening to the groups there.

  • I thought it was a nice addition to the time guide to list out the Princess Faire events.

  • Just wanted to take a moment and thank all of you who have been writing in, I really do appreciate the comments and questions and you being a guest on the site. Thanks.

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

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