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Disneyland ResortPicture Set

Visit Date: 9/01/06
Steps: 24,418
Parks Miles: 11.17
Time in Parks: 8:30


Trip Log:

Started off the 3-Day Labor Day weekend heading for the Disneyland Resort and some R&R. Walked over to Downtown Disney from the Mickey and Friends Garage. Circled the monorail station to see the rehab work then went to Rain Forest Cafe to use a gift certificate I had. Continued on through Downtown Disney and World of Disney on my way to California Adventure. The park was really calm as I entered, no real crowds to speak of, kind of weird for a holiday weekend. Headed for Soarin to grab a Fastpass, there was no line really but I wanted to get some pictures first. So made a u-turn and headed for the Backlot. Walked down by Monsters and saw no line so went for a rids, it was a literal walk on. Then circled around and walked through the Animation Building and the Art of Animation store on my way back to the Sunshine Plaza I grabbed some ice water from Award Wieners. Turned left and headed to Bugsland to see what was going on then walked through the Farm area and stopped by the Bread Tour for some bread. Continued on through the Wharf and entered the Pier area. Decided to walk the Pier to see if anything was going on. When I got to the parade gate my timing was perfect for the Lightning and Mater photo opp and they came rolling out and headed for the Bay Area. I grabbed some pictures then headed through the Bay Area and walked around GRR and into Condor Flats again. Road Soarin (it was great, walked down the ramp and right in line then right into the boarding area, first time that has happened in a long time for me). After riding it was time to head to Disneyland. Walked across the Esplanade and into Disneyland. Headed down Main Street past the guests waiting for the parade, there were not that many, maybe 1 deep on the shady side of the street and only a couple scattered people on the sunny side and it was already parade time. Grabbed a Fastpass for Buzz and headed for Innoventions. Took some pictures inside then went out to the balcony to get some Tomorrowland pictures. Walked down the Ramp and around Autopia a bit then the construction walls for the sub/monorail work and the Matterhorn on my way to Toontown. Circled through Toontown and then headed back to Main Street via the walkway between Mattern and Alice. Cut over to Tomorrowland again to grab another Buzz Fastpass then walked through the hub and into Frontierland. Stopped by the Golden Horseshoe to watch a little of the 4:00pm Billy Hill show. Then walked along the Rivers of America and out to Critter Country. Not much going on out there except for a decent line for Splash Mountain and no line for Haunted Mansion. Walked back through NOS and spotted the Captain Jack walk around near Pirates. Followed him a bit trying to get a good shot or two, and did not really till he stopped for pictures. Took in a couple songs from the Bootstrappers before heading to Main Street for the 5:00pm Flag Retreat. Watched the production and then headed to White Water Snacks for dinner by way of DCA. After dinner walked through DCA and back to Disneyland. Wandered down Main Street and ended up in Tomorrowland and revisited Innoventions and the Balcony to see the work again. Then walked through Tomorrowland, the Hub, and Frontierland on my way to NOS to ride Pirates and verify my answers for the VMK Quest. After riding it was back to Tomorrowland to turn in the quest and gather the trading cards. There was a line so pulled up a seat to watch some of the Club Buzz band, which was terrible in my opinion. The line went down so turned in the quest and then headed for Fantasyland and walked through the Big Thunder Trail and the Fantasmic crowd. Ended up at the Haunted Mansion so went for a spin since there was a minimal wait. Fantasmic had started now so watched a bit of it as I walked through NOS on my way back to Main Street to find a spot for the Remember. The five minute announcement said there were high winds and a possiblity of the show being canceled. So I spent some time in the Disneyana store to see what was new and then walked out at show time. The announcement came on that the show was delayed so I headed for the trams and the car to go home since it looked like the show would be canceled.

Other Interesting Stats:
* Actual Walking Time: 3:47:22
* 107 steps per minute average
* 2.94 mph average

For Comparisons to other trips or more park miles click here to visit our park Miles Section.

Note: These totals may be skewed because the pedometer is zero'd when we start and then left alone and read when we leave. So attractions, and other things may cause extra "steps" to be counted. The pedometer that we use basically measures up/down motion as a step, so if your standing in line and moving up and down it may be counting steps, etc.. so the total distances traveled and steps may be off.. so use these as rough distance comparisons between trips and they may not be accurate in terms of actual distance traveled.

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My Thoughts & Observations:

* After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Hello everyone,

Friday kicked off the three day Labor Day weekend so we headed to the Disneyland Resort for the afternoon/evening. The parks were surprisingly not crowded. I was expecting them to be at least as crowded as the past few visits but they were both substantially lighter in my opinion. The weather was a tad on the warm side, in the 90s, and the traffic getting to the parks was quite bad so maybe that had something to do with it. Most lines in Disneyland were under half an hour, many under 15 minutes. Over at DCA most things were a near walk on. Including Soarin' and Screamin' for most of the afternoon. The lines did pick up as the evening went on, but still nothing too busy.


Trip logs and mileage reports are in the Park Miles section.

DCA & Disneyland Notes:

  • While walking around the partially deserted areas of California Adventure and trying to get some interesting landscape shots with the perfect blue sky I was reminded again one of the reasons the park feels cheap to me.. its the large, ugly, light and speaker poles that line the parade route (hmm I mean performance corridor, upon further review it is called the parade route again). These large units seem to get into most shots and just clutter then up. Just thought I'd throw that out.

  • Not much else of interest happening at DCA. As I walked the park to see if anything interesting was going on or had changed I started to think of the small number of hours I have spent in the park the past few months. Looking back on my past half dozen or so updates I was averaging an hour or so out of eight at DCA only. Mostly because nothing was going on and there was not even any interesting entertainment to draw me over.

  • Caught the Flag Retreat at Disneyland and this time the Dapper Dans participated in the production. Also I stood where I could hear the P/A Announcer which added a bit to the show. I hope this sticks around for a while, I think its a great ceremony and well worth seeing if you happen to be in the park. Its just one of those little plusses that make Disneyland, Disneyland and now its even better. The production followed the same sequence as last time except this time the Disneyland Band did not stop at the point of Town Square and perform, the went straight to the flag pole. Also the Dapper Dans sang during a couple of the numbers.

  • After the Flag Retreat it was dinner time so we went to White water snacks, where we have not eaten in a while. We noticed a new ICEE machine that now has Fanta as its sponsor/flavor instead of Coke. I ended up with the Chicken Strips and noticed they were new. Much larger than before and more "meaty". I actually like the taste of the old ones better.

  • Caught a little bit of the band at Club Buzz and I really felt like I was the wrong generation or something... the music really annoyed me, not sure why it just sounded bad to me and even the Lazygeek commented on it and he does not mind modern music. (See I am a Country/Oldies/Disney music fan mostly).

  • I turned in my Pirates Quest and was pleasantly surprised to receive several bonus cards as well as a Fastpass to an attraction of our choice (from the available ones). Also interesting they said we could come back for the Fastpass anytime within the next 90 days. Not bad for answering four questions.

  • Road Buzz Lightyear and the targets seemed to be really "tight". You had to be very close to dead center for them to register. Not sure if it was bad luck, bad shooting on our part, or something else but it seemed weird.

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

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