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Disneyland ResortPicture Set

Visit Date: 3/24/06
Steps: 22,126
Parks Miles: 16.93
Time in Parks: 8:01


Trip Log:

Started off this perfect Spring day heading for Disneyland. Wandered down Main Street and around the hub. Walked through Tomorrowland, grabbing a Fastpass for Buzz. Next up the Star Traders shop to see what has changed since its completely re-opened now. Then out to the monorail station for sub lagoon shots. After coming down the ramp headed over to Innoventions. Took a quick look around and then out to the balcony for Tomorrowland shots. Walked past the Matterhorn and got pushed toward the castle due to the on coming parade. Walked through the Castle and Fantasyland on my way out to Toontown. Grabbed some shots of Goofys Playhouse and then Toontown in general. Walked back through Fantasyland and around the Big Thunder trail. Headed into Frontierland. The Mark Twain was boarding so went for a trip around the Rivers of America. Once back on land walked through Frontierland and to the Castle area. Took some pictures of the crowns and then off to Tomorrowland to grab another Buzz Fastpass. Headed back toward the Matterhorn and the new Fantasyland Restrooms which are finally open. Tried to get a couple pictures of the new restrooms without being the creepy guy taking pictures in the bathroom, much harder than it sounds, but managed to get a couple shots. Circled back to Main Street and headed over to DCA. Walked down the Backlot to see the Monsters line, 25 minutes which was above my tolerance level. So headed out of the backlot. Wandered around the entrance plaza a bit then headed for Condor Flats and around GRR on my way to the Bay Area and Pier to check out the recent rehab work. Wandered around there a bit then headed for the Wharf. Circled back through the entrance plaza and Condor Flats on my way to the Grand Californian to see what was going on. Walked the grounds a bit and through the lobby and into Downtown Disney. Walked out to the monorail station and road back to Tomorrowland (got into the cab for the ride). Once back in Disneyland walked past Matterhorn and toward the Hub. Took some Castle shots and continued on through Rancho del Zorro and by Big Thunder. Saw the doors still open for Billy Hill so went in for the final two numbers of the show. Then continued along the Rivers of America toward NOS. Turned around and cut through Adventureland on my way back to the Castle. Listened to the guest Jazz Band at Plaza Gardens and then headed for dinner at the Village Haus. After dinner walked along the Big Thunder trail and the Rivers of America on our way to the Haunted Mansion. There was no line so went for a ride. Still no new effects that we could tell. Walked back through Adventureland and down Main Street while the parade was on going. Headed over to DCA. Walked down the backlot to check out the Monsters Inc line, the attraction was down. Circled around and back toward the entrance plaza. Headed for the Wharf and the Bread tour. Then continued on to the Cove area to get some Pier shots. Turned around and walked past GRR and through Condor Flats. Decided to check the Backlot again, now Monsters was open but a 45 minute wait so headed back over to Disneyland. Used our Fastpasses for Buzz and then walked by Club Buzz. Decided to head over to Small World. Only a minute or so line so went for a cruise around the world. After cruising walked through Fantasyland and around the Big Thunder Trail. Ended up sitting in Frontierland for a while and watched Fantasmic from a distance. After the smoke started to head our way we wandered to Main Street and found a spot near the Disneyana store for the fireworks. After the show it was back to the trams and garage to head home.

For Comparisons to other trips or more park miles click here to visit our park Miles Section.

Note: These totals may be skewed because the pedometer is zero'd when we start and then left alone and read when we leave. So attractions, and other things may cause extra "steps" to be counted. The pedometer that we use basically measures up/down motion as a step, so if your standing in line and moving up and down it may be counting steps, etc.. so the total distances traveled and steps may be off.. so use these as rough distance comparisons between trips and they may not be accurate in terms of actual distance traveled.

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My Thoughts & Observations:

* After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Hello all,

Spring returned briefly to Southern California and the temperatures peaked in the mid 70s on Friday. So we headed down to the Disneyland Resort to see what was going on as did several thousand others. I think the spring break crowds have started to arrive as well as many locals taking advantage of the current 2fer deal. I overheard several in line talking about the deal and how they had to drive to several stores to get the tickets because the one they went to first was out. The lines at the parks were solid but not extremely long and with a little timing and using Fastpass you could get on most attractions. The exceptions being Space and Splash mountain which had long lines and distant return times all afternoon/evening.


Trip logs and mileage reports are in the Park Miles section.

DCA & Disneyland Notes:

  • Upon arriving at the resort I was greeted with a line of cars stretching about 2/3rds the way back toward the garage entrance. I jumped in the shortest of the four lines and waited. For some reason one side only had one lane open and cars had to merge then the other side had two lanes open. Kind of strange. Luckily the CM working the booth that feed the merged lane as well as one of the single lanes was extremely efficient and he was working like crazy, almost running from side to side to keep the cars moving. I wish I would have gotten his name to send in a compliment but he was moving so fast and I didn't want to slow down the line.. but great job whoever you are.. its really appreciated.

  • I spent a little, and I mean only a couple minutes, in Innoventions because I wanted to get some pictures over the walls in Tomorrowland. I really think the exhibits need a face lift.. everything seems to be the same with nothing new or futuristic really except for ASIMO.

  • On my way into Toontown a group of people caught my eye.. two hard hats and two guys in dress shirts. It was Matt Ouimet and three others I did not recognize. They were coming out of Toontown, I lost track of them in the parade crowd so not sure where they were going.. a guess is the sub lagoon since it seemed they went that direction.

  • I spent a little time walking around Toontown checking out the new Goofy play area during the day time and it seems to be a hit with its target audience of younger kids. There were quite a few running around having a blast. The parents looked on and seemed to enjoy the area too. I also wandered down toward Chip and Dales tree house, I had not been there in a while, its kind of sad the area where the ball pit used to be just looks like a ghost town. Seems they can do something there so it does not look so empty.. unless there is a chance the balls will return?

  • In the pictorial update we mentioned the carpet at the Grand Californian and we got a reply on the Geek's blog from a recent guest of the hotel and they informed us that the hotel CMs say new carpet to match the old one is on its way.. but since its custom it takes some time... thanks.

  • Also as you saw in the pictorial update I managed to get up front in the monorail. It was kind of weird to sit in the front and have the monorail going backwards. I ended up watching the LCD screen more than looking out the window. I was talking with the CM about the new camera/LCD system and how much better than the one they used last time around during DCAs construction. The CM said it was much better but every now and then it goes fuzzy.. but compared to last time when it would just go out this was a plus.

  • Still nothing visibly new to us on Haunted Mansion.. rumor is the new effects/changes will be in place and live by Easter week.. we will see..

  • If you have not done so yet I would like to urge you to take a few minutes and fill out our guest survey. We really do appreciate all the feedback (positive and negative) as we plan the future of disneygeek.com. Thank you to all who have submitted comments already.

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Send comments, questions, any other email to: disneygeek@disneygeek.com

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