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Visit Date: 3/10/06
Steps: N/A
Parks Miles: N/A
Time in Parks: 9:30


Trip Log:

Started off the day heading for the Annual Stockholders meeting which was at the Pond this year. Arrived just before 8am expecting there to be long security lines and a lot of people. Instead I was greeted with Castmembers and characters everywhere. The security lines and merchandise tent lines were non-existant. Walked around and then into the Pond to find a seat for the event. Had to kill almost 90 minutes until the 10am start time. The meeting was still going on with a Q&A session when we bailed out at 12:15 to head for the parks. After hitting every red light on Ball made it to the Mickey & Friends garage finally. Parked the car and bundled up expecting a cold and rainy day at the Resort. Headed for DCA first. Walked through Condor Flats and grabbed a Fastpass for Soarin'. Continued on past GRR and the Bay Area as we headed for the Bakery in the Wharf for lunch. Luckily the sun popped out so we were able to sit outside and eat. After lunch walked out to the Pier and went for a spin on the Sun Wheel. Finished the loop of the Pier and then walked through the farm area stopping for some pictures of the Bugs entrance and then continued on to the entrance plaza and down the Backlot. Wanted to ride Monsters but the line was too long (35 minutes) so doubled back and went to Condor Flats to use our Soarin' Fastpasses. After riding it was time for Disneyland. Walked back to the entrance and across the Espalande. Once in Disneyland half the group grabbed some water and a spot for the 3:15 parade (it was just after 3:00). I headed for Buzz to grab Fastpasses and then up to the monorail station for lagoon shots before rejoining the group just as the parade started to roll down the street. Once the parade had concluded we walked into Adventureland. There was absolutely no line for the Jungle Cruise so went for the trip (by no line I really mean it I think there were maybe 10 guests on our boat). Continued on through Adventureland and NOS on our way out to see Haunted Mansion. When we arrived the gates were closed and Cast Members were out front saying they had audio problems and the attraction was donw. We continued on to Critter Country and went for a ride on Pooh since again there was no line. Walked through the Candy store and then headed back to see if Haunted Mansion was back up, it was not. Wandered through the NOS shops and then headed over to Tomorrowland by way of the hub to use our Buzz Fastpasses. After helping to defeat Zurg we headed to Frontierland with a brief detour for a Dole Whip in Adventureland. Finally got to see Farely the Fiddler and then the Laughingstock Company as we headed for the Golden Horseshoe and Billy Hills last show of the day. Once the show had concluded we wandered through Frontierland and the Big Thunder trail on our way to Fantasyland and grabbed dinner at the Village Haus. After dinner continued on through Fantasyland and to Small World Mall and into Toontown to check out Goofy's new playarea. Doubled back to the train station and road to Main Street. Exited the park and back over to DCA. Walked down the backlot and saw Monsters had a 20 minute wait posted. It took almost 30 minutes but we went for a ride. Stopped by the Animation Building to see what was going on and Turtle Talk was just letting its audience in so we joined in and watched the show. After visiting with Crush we headed back to the parks entrance and over to Disneyland. Walked down Main Street and through Adventureland on our way out to NOS. Haunted Mansion was finally running, with a short wait of about 10 minutes. After the Haunted Mansion found a spot for Fantasmic (had about 20 minutes till show time) and watched the River Rascals and waited. After for Fantasmic beelined to Main Street only to find out that Remember had already been canceled due to high winds. So headed down the street with the masses, out to the trams, and back to the car. Just got on the freeway and the rain started. Luckily it held off till then..

For Comparisons to other trips or more park miles click here to visit our park Miles Section.

Note: These totals may be skewed because the pedometer is zero'd when we start and then left alone and read when we leave. So attractions, and other things may cause extra "steps" to be counted. The pedometer that we use basically measures up/down motion as a step, so if your standing in line and moving up and down it may be counting steps, etc.. so the total distances traveled and steps may be off.. so use these as rough distance comparisons between trips and they may not be accurate in terms of actual distance traveled.

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My Thoughts & Observations:

* After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Hello all,

Headed down to Anaheim on this gloomy, rainy Friday to go to the Annual Shareholders meeting which was being held at the Pond. I had not gone to one before but said next time they held it in LA or Anaheim I would go, so I did, and since I was already down in Anaheim decided to press my luck (and hope for no major rain) and head over to the parks after the meeting.

The crowds at both parks were light but heavier than expected. I would have thought with the temperature in the mid 50s, gusty winds, and the threat of rain all day the park would be fairly empty, but it was not. We lucked out with the weather. It rained while we were in the meeting and drizzled a bit on the drive over to the parks from the Pond, but that was it. The sun actually came out for a while during lunch and the wind would pick up from time to time, but overall not as bad as it could have been. It really did not start raining until we were on our way home, which made for an interesting drive. Ran into a thunderstorm in Glendale, which was not that much fun.



Trip logs and mileage reports are in the Park Miles section.

DCA & Disneyland Notes:

  • Since this was my first shareholders meeting I really did not have much to compare it to, but listening to others in attendance it was a light crowd. We did not know what to expect so we arrived early (way too early). The meeting consisted of three main parts. The first were presentations on the companies business units, followed by the "business" portion of the meeting that consisted of 4 proposals, and concluding with a Q&A session. I found the first two parts to be the most interesting. The questions at the Q&A were really not that informing and I think most Disneygeeks could have given an answer similar to the company to line for each. But they did reveal how Bob Iger thinks on his feet and how he comes across as a genuine person, or at least to me he did. The presentation on the parks really had nothing new in terms of Disneyland or Walt Disney World announcements. If you want to hear more from the meeting I can go into some detail, just ask..

  • Headed over to the parks around 12:30 and stayed until 9:30 when Remember was canceled due to the high upper level winds. The mood in the parks seemed fairly good considering the "bitter" cold (well for Southern Californians and those of us whose blood has thinned after being here for so many years cold, it was in the 50s).

  • Haunted Mansion was back from rehab, but closed most of the afternoon due to technical difficulties, the CMs said it was an audio problem. I was surprised they gave out that much info, usually all you hear is the attraction is temporarily closed.. finally did get on around 8pm. The exterior of the house looks great, a fresh coat of paint and all cleaned up. Going through the attraction I did not notice that much new (from what I have read on other sites the new effects will be coming online in the coming weeks and almost all of them are not on yet). A couple minor things I noticed. There were bats on a mobile in the attic scene circling (off to the left as you neared the bride), I vaguely remember something there but do not remember moving bats. I could not tell if the bride was new or not. In the graveyard there seemed to be more ghosts popping up. Also the ground was coated with sawdust or bark or something it looked like. In the final scene when the ghosts join you in the cars they appeared to be moving a bit (turning their heads from side to side) which I did not remember I thought they were motionless before. Are there any Haunted Mansion fans out there who have ridden and have a more detailed list of the changes? If so drop us a line and I will add them.

  • Speaking of writing we are still holding our "contest". For any guest column or update that we use on the site that is submitted by March 17th (Friday) we will be sending you a Virtual Magic Kingdom code for a golden door teleporter. They were giving these codes out as you went onto the Monsters Inc attraction and we were given a handful of them and would like to share since we really do not have a need for all of them. So submit your column, thoughts, or pictures via email to disneygeek@disneygeek.com

  • Not much else to report this week. After three weeks in a row I think the pictures speak for themselves. The most interesting to us were the Sub Lagoon shots and the Goofy's Playhouse area (which we will have daylight pictures of next trip). Also in the pictorial update we did not get any usable shots of the newly re-opened Star Traders in Tomorrowland.

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Send comments, questions, any other email to: disneygeek@disneygeek.com

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