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Disneyland ResortPicture Set

Visit Date: 6/06/03
Steps: 23,922
Parks Miles: 11.75
Time in Parks: 8.5


Trip Log:

Started off this glumy afternoon heading for Disneyland. Walked down Main Street and through Frontierland, around the Rivers a bit and then back to the Mark Twain. Took a spin around the Island to see the construction and then through the Big Thunder Trail, Fantasyland, Toontown, Tomorrowland and back to Frontierland to catch Billy Hill. After the show it was back to Main Street and then over to DCA. Walked down the back lot, out to Bugs, around the Pier. Road the Sun Wheel. Around to Jumpin' Jelly Fish to see if there was any Nemo stuff around. Grabbed a sticker map and Found Nemo. Saw a brief Nemo parade and then back through the Bay Area and Condor Flats. Over to McD's for Dinner and then back to the cars for more clothes. Returned to Disneyland by way of Downtown Disney. Out to Club Buzz to catch Instant Replay (great band). Then back through Tomorrowland and out to Pooh's area. Up to the Gallery and then back to Club Buzz to catch second set. Walked around Matterhorn and throuh Fantasyland. Out along the Rivers. Road the HM and then took the train to Main Street. Walked through some shops and waited for Beleive. Watched the show then headed home.

For Comparisons to other trips or more park miles click here to visit our park Miles Section.

Note: These totals may be skewed because the pedometer is zero'd when we start and then left alone and read when we leave. So attractions, and other things may cause extra "steps" to be counted. The pedometer that we use basically measures up/down motion as a step, so if your standing in line and moving up and down it may be counting steps, etc.. so the total distances traveled and steps may be off.. so use these as rough distance comparisons between trips and they may not be accurate in terms of actual distance traveled.

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My Thoughts & Observations:

** After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Overall it was a nice relaxing trip to the Disneyland resort. The weather reminded me more of San Fran or Seattle, not sunny southern California. I think it did help to keep the crowds down a bit. There seemed to be more tourists than usual in the parks, guess the summer crowds are starting to arrive..

We have moved our trip rundowns and mileage reports to our Park Miles section.

Disneyland Items:

  • The park had quite a few people in it. Alot of school groups running around the park. I have been surprised at how well the lines for Pooh are holding up. It was after 7:30 when we walked by and it had a 45 min standby line.

  • Pirates of the Caribbean was down most of the evening, no real reason why though. The CM out front was no real help. I wanted to see if they had changed anything, but I did not get on .. hopefully next time.

  • Went up to see if anything new was in the gallery, there wasn't. But in the courtyard there was a wedding, with a sailor Mickey and all. I had not seen that costume around Disneyland before, only place I saw it was Tokyo DisneySea pictures.

  • It was great to see a band at Disneyland again on a Friday, seems like they will be back for a while now. The group was called Instant Replay and they were very entertaining. Their first set was 60s tunes. Mostly surfer and party type music. The second set was 70s music. The other two were 80s and modern but I did not get to those. As we sat there listening to the first set it was great to look around and see the wide age spectrum of people enjoying the show. Whether you looked in the seats, on the dance floor, the monorails pulling in, or just people walking by almost all seemed to be having a great time. One more note on this, they should get the group to do a couple 60s sets over at DCA, they would fit the theme and be great.

DCA Items:

  • Across the Esplande the crowd was much much lighter as usual. For examply Screamin' had under a 15min wait around 4pm.

  • There are two Nemo related items to bring up. The 1st is the mini parade. It features a half dozen or so performers wearing the scuba custumes from Eureka! and a mechanical Nemo. The music that was played was not from the film. They started out by the Maliboomer doors and went the reverse of what the parades go. The second Nemo item is a Sticker Map. You go around to a couple attractions in DCA and get stickers to find Nemo. Once you find Nemo you get an extra "gift". I was planning on having this to scan and share, but I goofed and left mine behind.. maybe next time..

Finding Nemo
  • I went and saw Finding Nemo at a local theater Saturday morning. I thought the film was great and a definite must see for Disney fans, tech fans, and someone looking for a good family film. From the "Geek" perspecitve. I found the film incredible. What they were able to get rendered out of a computer was great. From the Disneygeek side of it, the story was great. It was lacking an inspiring sound track though, I have no memorable moments from it.. that's odd.. oh well... I thought the film kept moving, switching between Nemo and his father made it seem there were no dead spots.

  • Be sure to watch the opening short and then compare it to the main film. Its incredible how far they have come in such a short time in terms of technologies behind these films.
  • Before the film they had a couple trailers to mention. The First is Brother Bear, coming November. The film looks interesting. I can't wait to see it. The second is the Incredibles, Pixar's next entry coming next year. I was not impressed with the trailer at all. The character looked odd to me, too comic bookish or something.

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Send comments, questions, any other email to: disneygeek@disneygeek.com

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