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Visit Date: 1/31/03
Steps: 21,350
Parks Miles: 10.49
Time in Parks: 6:54


Trip Log:

Started off going to DCA, down the backlot to get a Fastpass for Aladdin 6:15. Then headed out to the Pier to see what the TV show taping was about, nothing going on, so back by GRR and over to Disneyland. Caught the Princess Procession and then back out to DD to meet friends. Back to Disneyland. Walked through Adventureland, Tarzan's Treehouse, then along the river to the Train. Took it to Toontown. Walked through Fantasyland and back along the river. Cut through Frontierland and out of the park to grab a bite to eat at McDs. Back to DCA after diner and to Bugsland to see Tower, through the Bay Area and by GRR again to head back to the Backlot for Aladdin. Saw the shot from the Balcony this time. After the show back out to the Pier to see what is going on, nothing... so over to see if Soarin' has a line, which it did. Back to Disneyland. Walked down Main Street and caught the end of a performance at Carnation. Then through to Frontierland and over to NOS to ride Haunted Mansion. After Mansion out to Critter Country and then back through Adventureland. Grabbed a fastpass for Indy. Through the Hub (got delayed by the parade) and over through Tomorrowland. It seemed dead so around Matterhorn and near Small World. Had to wait for the parade again and then through Fantasyland and back to Indy for our ride. After which it was off to Main Street to see if anything is new, then Believe to end the day.

For Comparisons to other trips or more park miles click here to visit our park Miles Section.

Note: These totals may be skewed because the pedometer is zero'd when we start and then left alone and read when we leave. So attractions, and other things may cause extra "steps" to be counted. The pedometer that we use basically measures up/down motion as a step, so if your standing in line and moving up and down it may be counting steps, etc.. so the total distances traveled and steps may be off.. so use these as rough distance comparisons between trips and they may not be accurate in terms of actual distance traveled.

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My Thoughts & Observations:

** After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Wow... I thought two weeks ago was a great day at the parks, but today topped it. It was in the mid 90s when we arrived and cooled down to the low 70s by the time we left... what a great way to end January. Both parks had good size crowds. DCA's was the largest we have seen in offseason in a long long time, Aladdin must be working...

Speaking of Aladdin, the Guidebook covers have been redone and now Aladdin is on the front. It is a shot of the cave of wonders. One interesting note about the cover is that the line saying its at DCA is so small at the botom its barely noticable, especially since its red on black and small. Wonder if they are getting people in Disneyland looking for the show?

We have moved our trip rundowns and mileage reports to our Park Miles section.

Disneyland Items:

  • Not much to report from Disneyland. The park had good crowds, but the lines were not too long and you could get on whatever you wanted relatively easily, especially if you used Fastpass.
  • Caught the Princess Procession thingy(Princess Royal Fanfare), which was not listed in the guidebook with the entertainment, but was on the website. Overall I thought it was ok.. not a bad idea since they are so popular right now. Young kids (especially girls) will love it, so I think it works.
  • How I miss entertainment on Fridays... walked through Tomorrowland around 8:00 and it was so dead...
  • Work is really progressing around the park. The Riverbed looks almost clean. They were working on the Tom Sawyer raft dock on the NOS side.
  • While walking around the park we realized that the fences are getting harder to get shots through... with the additional fencing around the river last trip, over in front of Splash there is a fence and there is actually tape over the wholes and same for some of the holes in the Pooh store in Critter Country. Also the addition of tents around the Fantasmic gear (guessing that might be to protect the eqiupment more than hide it). At least there are still some areas to look along the river...
  • Road Indy for the first time in quite a while. The water in the main room was either extremely low or gone (couldn't really tell). Wonder why.
  • Haunted mansion was back to its normal self. Two things jumped out at us, one is the obviously brighter and clearer busts in the graveyard, that was great. The other was while going through the attic the "spirits" were saying "I dooooooo" we do not remember that being as audible before.

DCA Items:

  • DCA had a large crowd. Aladdin filled up all 4 shows (maybe time for a 5th soon). When I arrived and got our fastpasses (around 3pm) they were out of AP tickets and out of all 4:45 tickets. The 6:15 ones were going fast.
  • Since this was our third viewing of the show we sat in the Balcony. Ended up in the first row, center and it was a great view.
  • They really need to work on the queue system for the Theater. We got in line around 5:45 for the 6:15 show. The main queue area was fairly full and the line stretched all the way around the backlot and to the Muppets. The standby line was about the same lenght. It just seems like there has to be a better system...or way to queue up the crowds.
  • They were supposidly taping All American Girl (no clue about the show) we walked by three times and saw no activity except crew members. A CM said they were going to be doing a show after the park closed...

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Send comments, questions, any other email to: disneygeek@disneygeek.com

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