home > D Geek's Travels > Pictures > Tuesday, June 4, 2013

This page is to help you quickly jump through this picture set. Below you will see a listing of the pages and the captions on that page.

  • Page Number: 1
    Day 4 started off overcast as we approached Juneau just before 6am.
    I thought this was interesting seeing the peak of the mountain between the layers of cloud.
  • Page Number: 2
    The outskirts of the city. Some houses dotted the landscape.
    Looks like a fish farm or something.
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  • Page Number: 4
    Three ships were already in port and we were going to fit in between the first and second in this picture.
    A bald eagle flew overhead (too bad for the bad lighting it was impressive to see).
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    We slowly made our way into the port area.
    The Roberts Tram
    Where we are heading.
  • Page Number: 6
    The Bridge (that is actually what they called it.. it has a proper name but we were told they just call it the bridge usually)
    Downtown Juneau in the distance. Interesting note.. there are no roads that lead into or out of the city. You cannot drive here from any other place you have to take a boat or plane to reach the city.
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    Slowly inching our way to the dock.
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    The first line being pulled up.
    We were told later on that Juneau was the first port to have these electrical connections installed so cruise ships would not have to run their engines in port. They drew city power which was better for the environment.
    The crew getting ready to throw the aft lines over.
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    It takes a good amount of effort to pull the large/wet lines up.
  • Page Number: 10
    Time to head ashore. I like how the security person has a box to stand in to get out of the rain/wind.
    Waiting for our bus.. today we had a shore excursion.
    An old building, looks to be from a mine.
  • Page Number: 11
    The information kiosk.. the info was to wait till you saw the sign for you bus.
    Taken from onboard the bus as we headed to our first destination. The plan was to walk the city later in the day and get better pictures but the weather did not agree and it rained most of the afternoon so I never made it back.
    The governors house sits on the hill.
  • Page Number: 12
    Oops.. trying to get the gas prices.. 4.329 a gallon.
    Approaching our first stop, a salmon hatchery.
    In the pens were young salmon that would be released eventually.
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    A fish ladder that the salmon use when they return to spawn.
    Feeding the salmon.
    The tanks/channels where the spawning salmon will assemble later in the year.
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    A bald eagle sat on a building near by watching over the area.
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    A couple of other birds scared it away though.
    A better view of the pens.
    Inside this tank they had some salmon eggs to see.
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    The red dot is an egg.
    And a photo op if you wanted to have your picture taken.
    Some information about salmon.
  • Page Number: 17
  • Page Number: 18
    Inside there were some exhibits. Here are two bald eagles.
    Information on the bald eagle.
  • Page Number: 19
    Next up a Brown Bear.
    There was a gift shop selling all sorts of salmon items.
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    Some random sea life.
    An aquarium in the center.
  • Page Number: 21
    That was it for the tour.. so back outside.
  • Page Number: 22
    While waiting to board the bus thought I would take a picture of the flowers and bus..
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    Heading back to the highway. The only one in Juneau and its short, I forget the distance but it was under 20 miles I think.
    A couple of bald eagles hanging out at the landfill
    Another eagle
  • Page Number: 24
    Some blue sky as we arrived at our second stop, Glacier Gardens.
    The gardens had a couple of displays to look as a guide explained what you were going to be seeing and the backstory of the gardens.
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    There was a green house that acted as a gather spot, gift shop, and snack bar.
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  • Page Number: 28
    In this tree was a bald eagle nest. Kind of hard to make out.. but it is about the center of the picture.
    A close shot of the nest.
    Random picture of the forest we are about to head into.
  • Page Number: 29
    To go through the gardens you either boarded a golf cart or one of these trams.
    Keep all body parts inside the tram at all times.. the plants have some thorns..
    A retaining bond and water fall that are used to slow the stream down as it makes its way down the mountain.
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    A gravity fed fountain, no pumps.
    A squirrel hotel/house.
  • Page Number: 31
    Another tram coming down the mountain.
    A look at the road.. it was tight.
  • Page Number: 32
    At the top you could walk to an overlook.
    Looking back toward the city. You can see the bridge and one on the cruise ships.
  • Page Number: 33
    A tighter shot.
    Off to the left the highway we took to get here.
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    To our right a look down at the airport.
  • Page Number: 35
    An eagle took off from a tree nearby.. managed to snap this quick picture..
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    A couple more as it flew away.
    Thought it was interesting they lined the walkway with rope.. it seemed pretty obvious where to walk.
  • Page Number: 37
    Time to head back down the mountain.
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    The tram loading stop at the bottom.
  • Page Number: 39
    They have a webcam on the eagle nest I showed you earlier.
    And some information on eagles.
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  • Page Number: 41
    On the road again to our final destination.. along the way passed the first McDonalds in the area. They talked about how it set records on opening day as the bush pilots flew in to pick up orders for surrounding communities.
    Caught our first glimpse of our destination. The Mendenhall Glacier.
    The view as you disembark the bus and head toward the visitor center.
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    Some fence repair going on.
    Icebergs floating in the lake.
  • Page Number: 43
    The visitor center is built into/onto the hill top.
    Nugget Falls, you can hike out to if you have time.. unfortunately we had just under an hour so no time for that.
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  • Page Number: 46
    A closer look at the glacier.
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  • Page Number: 48
    To help with the scale of what you are looking at notice the three helicopter in this picture.
    You can hike out to that point to get a closer view (will be going there after a quick tour of the visitor center)
  • Page Number: 49
    A map of the visitor center complex.
    Notice the helicopter going in for a landing here it is the black spec about half way vertically and off to the right of center in this picture.
  • Page Number: 50
    A better shot of the falls, notice the people for help with the scale.
    Where I just came from..
    Finally inside the visitor center.
  • Page Number: 51
  • Page Number: 52
    The view from inside. There were several telescopes you could use for closer views of the glacier.
  • Page Number: 53
    A picture of the glacier.. most of it you cannot see from the visitor center.
    A small gift shop.
    Another hiking trail.. I would have liked to have had more time here to see about some of the walks/hikes.
  • Page Number: 54
    Looking back at the visitor center as I walked out on the peninsula I showed earlier.
  • Page Number: 55
    A wide shot of the area.
    Some blue sky off to the side.
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  • Page Number: 58
    The pavilion was a covered area for presentations. Nothing was going on when we were there.
  • Page Number: 59
    You can see some sunlight hitting the ice.. this was about the best we got.
  • Page Number: 60
    The constant motion of helicopter tours kind of took away from the area I thought.
    Through the clouds you can make out some of the peak.
  • Page Number: 61
    Missed the sign on the way in since I was on the other side of the bus.
    One last look as we pulled out of the parking lot.
    Passed by the hatchery on the way back.
  • Page Number: 62
    Some of the sights as we drove through Juneau, the rain was just starting to fall again.
  • Page Number: 63
    The cruise ships dominate the area as the largest structures around.
  • Page Number: 64
    There was a traffic jam in the harbor as one NCL ship was pulling out the next was right behind it ready to take its berth.
    That is really maximizing the available space.
    The ships were conducting life boat drills.
  • Page Number: 65
    Here you can see the NCL ship lowering a boat. Also notice the heavy rain..
    The mountains through the clouds were interesting.
    The sun popped out around 4:30 I thought about going out but then talked to some who had and seem we saw the highlights from the bus and I did not want to get caught out in the rain.
  • Page Number: 66
  • Page Number: 67
    So instead just took pictures from an upper deck.
  • Page Number: 68
    All day the seaplanes kept taking off and landing.
  • Page Number: 69
    A video clip of a plan landing.
    One of the many waterfalls on the surrounding mountains.
  • Page Number: 70
    The clearest it had been all day.
  • Page Number: 71
    This was interesting.. our guess is something was out there making this small wave. Never saw anything surface.
    The clouds framing this peak.
    One of the other ships getting underway. In the foreground a water taxi.
  • Page Number: 72
    The ships band took part in the show this evening.
    It featured Duncan Tuck who is a comedian and musician. I really enjoyed his show. No video was allowed, but stills were ok. He basically stood there and talked/played the guitar so this picture captured the show from a visual perspective.
    In the Piazza the ships dancers and singers were doing a preview of a show for a later night.
  • Page Number: 73
    A video clip to give you a sample of the entertainment.
    A look at some of the desserts available in the International Cafe
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  • Page Number: 75
    One of the other dining rooms. This is where we ate this evening.
    We set off again just after 9:00pm
    The governors house on the hill.
  • Page Number: 76
    What is left of an old mine building.
    Looking off the back of the ship as we left Juneau
    Another ship was right behind us leaving.
  • Page Number: 77
    One last picture before calling it a night. It was around 10:15pm when I took this.

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