home > D Geek's Travels > Pictures > Tuesday, June 4, 2013 - Page 65 of 77 - << previous page : next page >>
Here you can see the NCL ship lowering a boat.  Also notice the heavy rain..
Here you can see the NCL ship lowering a boat. Also notice the heavy rain.. Click to switch to large image view
The mountains through the clouds were interesting.
The mountains through the clouds were interesting. Click to switch to large image view
The sun popped out around 4:30 I thought about going out but then talked to some who had and seem we saw the highlights from the bus and I did not want to get caught out in the rain.
The sun popped out around 4:30 I thought about going out but then talked to some who had and seem we saw the highlights from the bus and I did not want to get caught out in the rain. Click to switch to large image view
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