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But I did the trash cans for those of you who enjoy those.
But I did the trash cans for those of you who enjoy those. Click to switch to large image view
The walkway to the resort from the garage.  You could continue straight and slightly left and reach the lobby or make a right past the fenced area and enter the tower.
The walkway to the resort from the garage. You could continue straight and slightly left and reach the lobby or make a right past the fenced area and enter the tower. Click to switch to large image view
Signage along the walkway to help you.  That concludes this first look at Aulani.  Be sure to check out my other pictorial sections for a more in depth look at other parts of the resort.
Signage along the walkway to help you. That concludes this first look at Aulani. Be sure to check out my other pictorial sections for a more in depth look at other parts of the resort. Click to switch to large image view

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