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8/06-07/04 - Disneyland Resort thoughts and observations from this two day trip.
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8/06-07/04 - Disneyland Resort thoughts and observations from this two day trip.

* After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Hello all,

This was a relaxing trip to the Disneyland Resort. My goal for Friday was to grab some pictures of what was going on around both parks and then some dinner at Downtown Disney and that was it. Saturday morning the plan was to spend some time in the parks with relatives. The crowds on Friday night were really mild (Tower under 30 minutes, Indy under an hour, Pirates 20 minutes, etc..) Saturday felt heavier than Friday, but the morning was wide open and the crowds started arriving around lunch time.

Below are some comments and observations regarding this trip.

Trip logs and mileage reports are in thePark Miles section.

Disneyland & DCA:

  • The first change at the Resort we noticed was the new guidemaps. They moved to a system like Walt Disney World uses, of "generic" maps for each park, and then a piece of paper with the current time schedules on it. Much more economical on their side. Also I thought it was good to have the two maps separate but the time schedule combined. I see a lot of Annual Passhdolders just grabbing the timecards in the futue.. the new time schedules are more complete than before, but still lacking the Flag Retreat, College Band, etc.. it does include the Trash Can Trio and the NOS bands. I can see how this might lead to some extra baggage for a park hopping guest who needs maps and schedules having it on three pieces of paper. If anyone wants to see the guidemaps let me know and I will scan them in.

  • As with our other visits this year, its hard to walk around the park and not encounter a rehab going on. It seems everything is getting a new paint job and touch up work. Its really good to see. It appears most of the buildings that face Main Street are finished and they are working on the side alley now.

  • The construction tarps around the Castle as it gets its new paint job do not look as bad as I originally thought. I was surprised by that. Also I never overheard anyone complaining about it.. just a lot of guests saying what was going on and several saying they will be back soon.

  • I ducked into the Animation Building for some AC and to take a quick rest and noticed that the film looped appeared to be modified (either that or the heat messed with my mind). There seemed to be a lot more concept art and some tunes that I had not heard in there before. Anyone know for sure?

  • The Fastpass changes are really starting to go into effect. The Splash Mountain one has returned to its original location as you saw in the photo update, and the previous area is now closed off. Haunted Mansion, Pooh, and Pirates are listed on the new schedules as "Closed" and the line board plaques no longer have the logo. The moving of the Splash Mountian one paid dividends right away, the walkway was much easier to navigate. Wonder if they are going to leave a wait time display there once they remove the Fastpass Machines.. it seems like a great spot for just that display.

  • Stopped in Innoventions to see what's new and the St. Joseph's area is now open. I wasn't too impressed with it and as a whole I think the Innovations concept is great, but Disneyland's version falls extremely short. Really the only part that I really like is the Segway area, because there you actually get to experience a new technology that you probably do not own or know someone who owns it. Unlike the video games, the health area, and the stereo areas. I guess the interactive Stitch area is unique too, but that seems like it belongs out in the park and not in a technology showcase. The new health exhibit had a couple stationary bikes to ride as well as several computer's to interact with and learn about health. There seemed to be a fair number of people looking around the display, as with the rest of Innoventions, my bet because it was air conditioned. I was surprised not to find one of the new Disney PC's there... bet its coming soon.

  • Not much to report from DCA, crowds were light, and everything seemed to be going smoothly on Friday. Saturday morning GRR did not open for the first 90 minutes or so do to a "technical problem". I swear I have never seen it open with park opening.

  • We spent the evening walking Downtown Disney, and there seemed to be a lot of guests milling around and watching the entertainment. The shops did not seem too busy, but the restaurants were.

  • Went to see Aladdin, first time in several months, since I had non-frequent guests of the park with me. I think I am ready for a new show. Yes the production is good, the songs ok, and the genie always funny with some new jokes, but after seeing it a couple dozen times I am ready for something new.

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Send comments, questions, any other email to: disneygeek@disneygeek.com

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