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11/01/02 - Disneyland Resort Trip
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11/01/02 - Disneyland Resort Trip

** After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

There were a lot of Cars at Disneyland of Friday. We showed up in the early afternoon and were parked on the roof. All levels looked full except Daisy, which was parked on later in the evening. With all those cars we were expecting the parks to be jammed. There were a lot of people, but the waits did not seem huge. So we have no clue where all those people were (guess we must have lucked out and done a circuit that they did not do).

We have moved our trip rundowns and mileage reports to our Park Miles section.

Disneyland Items:

  • Disneyland is in the midst of becoming the Merriest place on earth. Toontown is about half decorated, NOS looks ready to go, the snow machines are in place, the tree is backstage and many other preparations looked on their way. The festivities kick off next Friday, November 8th.
  • Haunted Mansion Holiday was still drawing a good size crowd. The fastpasses were all gone around 8 when we made our last ride. The standby line was about an hour most of the times we walked by.
  • It was great to have the Train back up and running. It saved us some walking and made getting around a little more pleasant. Along the route we noticed quite a bit of work had been done. From new gravel, new ties, larger clearances, new drainage and sprinklers, a new curb we think out in Frontierland, and more. There is also a new spiel. I didn't think it was that good. When you go through Critter Country it tells you to check your papers for what's coming soon. I do not know why it does not say Pooh, since the sign is up and its officially released.
  • Speaking of Pooh the arcade is closed in Critter Country, my guess is it will become part of the Pooh store. So Critter country has lost a gift shot, an arcade, and the Bar all to a mega Pooh store... (again this isn't confirmed, just me rambling).
  • New Orleans Square looks great as usual for the holidays. Its just a fun place to walk through.

DCA Items:

  • Some of the holiday decorations have started to appear around the park, as are highlighted in our pictorial update. I was really surprised that all the Angels gear and signs are gone. I figured they would try to get at least one more weekend out of it. We did see quite a few people wearing Angels gear, guess everyone loves a winner.
  • Bugs Land really seems to be a success. We walked by a couple times always to find a good crowd. The lines were about 20 minutes each and it seemed to be fairly constant. We overheard quite a few kids talking about it and wanting to go back.
  • The backlot seemed really dead the couple times we walked down it. Guess the shows must have all been going on the same time.


Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Send comments, questions, any other email to: disneygeek@disneygeek.com

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