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10/04/02 Disneyland Trip...
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10/04/02 Disneyland Trip...

** After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

We have moved our trip rundowns and mileage reports to our Park Miles section.

Disneyland Items:

  • Disneyland had a very healthy crowd. Most waits were not too bad though. It seems HMH drew most of the attention.
  • Haunted Mansion Holiday is back and had a large crowd the entire afternoon and evening. By 8:30 when we went by all the FastPasses were gone and there was a 90 minute wait.
  • The best addition this year are the Scarols in the queue and the live CM to lead you in them. I thought this was great and so much better than the screaming they did last year.
  • Inside the ride there have been some minor changes, but nothing earthshattering. The new soundtrack is ok, but didn't really stick out to me.
  • They really need to work on the traffic flow. There seemed to be chaos around the entrance to the the mansion. There were quite a few CMs and even a few managers, but they could not really control the people too well. It was wall to wall at about 8:30. Add to this all the Fantasmic people and it was a mess. It took almost 20 minutes to use our Fastpass and then get into the Mansion. Also there was no CM leading the Scarols at night, when the line was the longest (maybe he was on break or something).
  • One more note about the Mansion. There was a 5 minute wait to get a Fastpass. It reminded me of the Space Mountain queue I saw in WDW a few years ago. Usually there is not that big of a backup for Fastpass distribution.
  • Out in Critter Country the walls were down by Pooh. I was really surprised to see that the load/unload for the attraction are outside with no cover. Now that may change since it doesn't open for a while. Basically it looks like the ride vechicles enter through the original entrance and then head straight back to the rear of the building before turning to the left and into the ride. Then they come out of the building through the old exit.
  • We cuaght a quick look at one of the cars, but they had it covered and it was hard to get a good look or a picture.

DCA Items:

  • The crowd here was light as usual. We did see alot more young children than usual. Guessing it may be because of the Flik's AP preview, but not really sure.
  • Not much going on around the park. It was really a quiet evening.
  • We are happy that bands are back at the Wharf on Fridays. I wish Disneyland would do the same at Club Buzz.


Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

Send comments, questions, any other email to: disneygeek@disneygeek.com

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