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08/24/02 ABC Weekend, day 1
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08/24/02 ABC Weekend, day 1

** After you read this report you may want to check out the pictorial updates in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

In this 12.5 hour visit to the resort we tacked on another 9.66 miles (19,673 steps). Pedometer acquired from our friends over at SierraMountainWorks.com

What we did: Lined up for Whose Line Tickets, Trophies, Q&A Less Than Perfect, Q&A 8 Simple Rules, Lunch, Whose Line, Q&A George Lopez, Parade, Q&A Drew Carey, Dinner, Happy Hour Jam, Disneyland Small World(did not get on a ride until 8am, almost 11 hours after arriving at Disney), Jungle Cruise, Barrage 8:30 show, Believe.

Overall the day was pretty good. I enjoyed seeing and hearing from the ABC people. I also enjoyed just people watching. The guests and the stars around the park. I am extremely curious as to how many "paying guests" were in the park. Meaning exclude annual passholders, Disney Cast Members, and ABC people and their families. I would venture to guess quite a low percentage of the guests in the park. The other fun part of the day was watching the media scramble back and forth between the events. I wish I would have thought fast enough to take a series of pictures showing them moving around. They seemed to be everywhere we went.

Note: We noticed that the guidebooks now have the standard detailed artwork for Flik's Fun Fair in place.

DCA Items:

  • Arrived at DCA around 9:30. The gates were open
  • The Whose Line ticket line wrapped around the Sun Plaza. Most of it out in the sun and not too much fun. We got orchestra seats, so not bad. No clue why the line moved to slowly. Add to that the Disney film guy stopping people to talk for a few minutes right when I was a couple steps from the shade...
  • The sports trophies were great to see. I was a little surprised by the location
  • The Q&As out on the Rockin' stage were pretty good. The worst part was the lack of shade and the intros were the same. By the end of the weekend I was really starting to get sick of the DCA announcer's voice
  • Speaking of which, the constant announcements over the parks PA system were a little annoying too.
  • One of the most memorable comments for the Q&A was from Andy Dick wanted to know the point of the Zephyr.
  • Due to the scheduling we never made it into the screening room. I was a bit disappointed
  • Speaking of scheduling, why did they put the sports panel directly against Whose Line... which was delayed for over 30 minutes for some reason, so I could have seen the panel.
  • The Whose Line crowd broke into several chants of "Let us In".
  • Drew Carey's intro to Whose Line was very entertaining. It was great to watch the Disney TDA people's reactions. We saw Pressler and Eisner a couple times throughout the day. We did not see Cynthia Harris though...
  • One of Drew great lines was the question of why do people in CA want to visit a CA Adventure park.
  • The Parade of Stars was so much better than the one they did for the Soap Opera weekend. I really liked how they had entertainment reporters along the route to talk to them. Reminded me of the Hollywood Christmas parade. Only thing is I wished they would slow down a bit and chat.
  • The biggest Q&A crowd of the day was for Drew Carey. He had a large fan base in the park.
  • The Happy Hour jam was extremely entertaining. Probably the second best concert we saw. The Beach Boys being the best.
  • I was surprised by the low turnout for it. Wonder if the heat all day melted people and they left, or if he is just not that big of a draw. You would think with only one concert per night people would show up.
  • One of the best parts of being at the parks this weekend was watching all the stars experience the parks. We saw several of them walking throughout. For the most part people left them alone. I think more people would have left them alone if they all did not have big red All Access passes and a Disney person in bright red with them. I saw a couple without their Disney handlers and they were not bothered at all. It was cool to be eating at the Wharf with the cast of a show sitting next to you...

Disneyland Items:

  • Did not spend too much time over at Disneyland. Just the evening after the convert. The park seemed to have a healthy crowd. We managed to get on Small World and Jungle Cruise with no real wait.
  • Barrage was great as usual, the crowd was not that big for them though. I have seen larger.
  • Believe had a full house as usual on Main Street.

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

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