home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Monday, May 1, 2017

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  • Page Number: 1
    Was walking toward Discovery Island in Animal Kingdom by 4:20pm
    More Cast Member previews of Pandora going on today.
  • Page Number: 2
    A floating mountain in Pandora looming over the treeline.
    King Louie
  • Page Number: 3
    A backup at the FastPass+ return line for Kali River Rapids due to guest confusion on how to scan their bands and how FastPass+ works.
    A White-cheeked Gibbon in Asia
    Some of our group went on Kali.. the rest of us opted to stay dry.
  • Page Number: 4
    Gibbons on the move.
    A closer look at the Gibbons
  • Page Number: 5
    The single rider queue for Expedition Everest is closed due to some renovation work.
  • Page Number: 6
    Inside the queue walls are up.
    More walls inside the gift shop
  • Page Number: 7
    Walking through Dinoland.
    Walked around the Tree of Life Gardens for a while.
  • Page Number: 8
    Decided to head for the Safari.
  • Page Number: 9
    A posted 25 minute wait.
    The wait seemed long.. but looking at the photo timestamps it was 26 minutes.
    Greater Kudu
  • Page Number: 10
    Ankole Cattle
    Ankole Cattle and White-bearded Wildebeest
    A wider look at the savanna
  • Page Number: 11
    Much of the burlap fencing is now gone.
    Female African lion
  • Page Number: 12
    A second lioness was also laying around.
    The male lion was doing the same.
    Water buck
  • Page Number: 13
    The sun is starting to set in Harambe.
    Rivers of Light merchandise is in several shops.
    Cast members with signs to help direct guests to the proper area for Rivers of Light.
  • Page Number: 14
    The sign is a little misleading since the entrance is no where near where she was standing.
    Walking through the Flame Tree BBQ seating area.
    The theater was starting to fill up for Rivers of Light. It was 8pm and the show was at 9:15pm tonight.
  • Page Number: 15
    Lotus Blossoms in position for Rivers of Light.
  • Page Number: 16
    Discovery Island Carnivale
  • Page Number: 17
    The largest lotus blossom staged for the show.
    Signs along the walkways to point you in the right direction.
  • Page Number: 18
    8:12pm and the Standby line was moving into the theater. The line was still open.
    More signs as I walked around.
    Plenty of space on the bridge an hour before show time.
  • Page Number: 19
    Looking down at one of the smaller lotus blossoms
    It was quickly getting darker.
  • Page Number: 20
    Looking across at 8:20pm two of the three stand by areas look to be full already. The areas on the left that are not full are the dining package.
    Flights of Wonder is all quiet. They leave a couple of lights on the stage at night.
  • Page Number: 21
    A posted 15 minute wait for the Safari so I decided to give a night time one a try.
    As I walked the queue I did not see any other guests except for one family dropping off a stroller.
  • Page Number: 22
    Turned out to be a three minute walk and I had the load station to myself for a while.. except for the handful of cast members.
    It was a fairly quiet safari.. Not a lot of animals visible.
    The crocs were out as usual.
  • Page Number: 23
    A good portion looked like this... just black.. or maybe shadows.
    Hyenas laying around.
    One did lift their head.
  • Page Number: 24
    A giraffe moving around.
    This zebra decided to come out of the dark on a blind corner and scare our driver.
    A female lion getting ready to jump from one rock to another.
  • Page Number: 25
    The male lion is up on the rocks, but a little too dark in this photo.
    Harambe Wildlife Parti going on as I passed through.
    The Tree of Life Awakenings were going on. It was 9pm as I passed by.
  • Page Number: 26
    The view from the Flame Tree BBQ seating area. The projector and lights shine right on you as they illuminate the trees for the preshow for Rivers of Light.
    Looking up into the trees at the lights.
  • Page Number: 27
    The Discovery Island Carnivale wrapping up the last performance of the night.
    The stand by was closed as I passed by, it was 10 minutes to show time so not a surprise.
    They were still working to seat guests from what was left of the original standby queue.
  • Page Number: 28
    The bridge was 2-3 guests deep.
    Along the walkway in Asia it was 1-2 guests deep in most spots.
    The view from one of the standby areas right before show time.
  • Page Number: 29
    Guests standing on the other side of the walkway near the restrooms.. I did not go over there but cannot see how it would be even a remotely good view.
    I doubled back to the bridge and decided to watch from there as it appeared the best of the standby/outside the theater options.
  • Page Number: 30
    Some pictures from this vantage point.
  • Page Number: 31
    Many of the projections were much more clear from this angle.
  • Page Number: 32
  • Page Number: 33
  • Page Number: 34
  • Page Number: 35
  • Page Number: 36
    A video clip from the finale of Rivers of Light.
    Making my way back to Discovery Island.
    The view from the bridge to Discovery Island.
  • Page Number: 37
    Tree of Life Awakenings.
  • Page Number: 38
    Looks like the new bus stop concrete was poured. (Hard to tell in the dark).

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