home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Saturday, December 12, 2009

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    The Pop Warner tournaments were winding down this weekend, but there were still plenty of busses and people on the back far side of the Riverside.
    Today we were at EPCOT most of the day due to the D23 Magic and Merriment, Day 1.
    Daisy was out taking pictures as we entered the park.
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    The park had not opened yet, but we were let into the central plaza. Innoventions CMs were out to greet the crowd.
    The characters were out on the other side of the rope. Here Goofy was running back and fourth high fiving people.
    There was also a Testtrack looking car parked out near the fountain.
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    More characters working the rope line.
    A guest was selected to open the park. He got a great group shot then to ride off in the Test Track car.
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    There was a brief countdown by the characters
    During which the car sped off toward Test Track.
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    Then the characters headed for their photo location.
    CMs from Mouse Gear were out greeting people (sorry for the bad shot we had to keep moving due to the crowd).
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    The skys looked threatening most of the day. Also notice no Lights of Winter arches this year...
    Once we checked in we had some free time to roam around the Odyssey (believe they were calling it Odyssey Center now).
    There was a projection screen set up for the presentations.
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    A wider shot showing the stage area.
    A look outside
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    From the other side.
    There was a photo backdrop set up in the back corner.
    The second sign in table, this is where you signed up for your Castle Suite tour.
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    There were several tables/carts with snacks and beverages.
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    A look outside at the first checkin counter where you get your packet.
    Someone laid out the packet, and was kind enough to allow us to take a couple pictures.
    Almost showtime. The seats were full.
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    A WDW Ambassador took the stage first to welcome everyone and act as the MC for the event.
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    Becky Cline from D23 and the Walt Disney Archives was next.
    Then Jeffrey from D23.
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    The first speaker of the morning was Lisa Borotkanics who is the manager of Holiday Services.
    The next several pages are pictures of her slides.
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    Next up were two of the resorts top pastry chefs - Erich Herbitchek(left) from the Grand Floridian and Stefan Riemer(right) from the Yacht and Beach Club
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    Erich started to decorate a gingerbread house while Stefan gave us a brief presentation about what they do.
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    Then they switched roles.
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    After the presentations Stitch came out for pictures in front of a holiday backdrop (this covered the Illuminations one I showed early).
    Then we were on our own for the afternoon. Here is a shot of the new (well new since our last trip) railing around the fountain.
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    The walkways through Innoventions have also been painted (this is the East one that leads to Mission Space, Test Track, and Universe of Energy).
    Then the West that leads to the Seas, Land, and Imagination.
    The ground was also redone so it would not be as slippery when wet.
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    They were really working to keep the traffic flowing in a counter clockwise manner at the Land. A barrier was up to prevent you from going against the flow.
    Only a 10 minute wait for Living with the Land. The Fastpass Machines were off for the day.
    Looking at the lineboard you can see what people like.
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    After lunch I headed back to the Land and walked onto the boat ride.
    Noticed this tour only had one person on it.
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    They are now growing eggplant (I think that is what it was) in the Mickey ears.
    Some of the greenhouses had Christmas decorations.
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    They were working on this area last trip.
    Spotted this sign near the end of the ride.
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    The Jamitors were out performing.
    Chip and Dale were near by too.
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    The stage that was used for the Magic Music Days performances was not set up.
    Inside Innoventions there was a small sign to try and guide you to the proper location.
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    The stage in front of the fountain was hosting a musical group throughout the holidays (I still miss the Cast in Bronze bells).
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    Looking toward World Showcase looks so plain now.. no arches, no doves, no snowflakes, just some ground cover then the tree in the distance.
    Time for the show (the lighting was terrible thanks to the clouds).
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    There was a fairly small crowd enjoying the concert
    For those that did not know, this is the Odyssey, where the morning session was and it was set up as a hospitality area for us all day.
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    Used a Fastpass for Test Track.
    We were stopped here for two cycles or so.. guess they were backed up at the unload/load area.
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    After our ride stopped by the Odyssey for something to drink.
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    It was not very busy, only two groups hanging out inside and a couple of CMs.
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    As part of the D23 event we were each given an envelop with a bunch of Fastpasses inside. Here is what we each got (7 for the Magic Kingdom to be used on any Fastpass attraction, 2 for Soarin, 2 for Test Track, and 2 for either Mission Space, Living witht he Land, or Maelstrom..)
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    There was one tech CM breaking down the stage.
    They gave away the gingerbread house, it was in a box since the winners did not want to carry it around all day. I wish they would have left it on the table (I would have liked to have gotten a better picture and I was too afraid to move it).
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    Next we headed for World Showcase. Here is a new stand that was set up near Mexico for the Food and Wine Festival and it has stayed.
    The latest rumor I heard is this is staying for a while since they are going to rebuild the restaurant on the water side of the walkway.
    The menu.
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    The three kings have a smaller set this year.
    This view just frustrates me.. Frnace in the foreground but its dominated by Dolphin... how I wish that hotel was built closer to Downtown Disney and further from EPCOT!!!
    Also noticed you could see the backstage building fairly clearly from the walkway now.. were some trees removed or was I just at the right angle?
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    For those that like menus.. here is the one at the Outpost.
    The tree looks kind of lonely without the giant white arches behind it.
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    I had not noticed (or it did not stick in my mind) this picture hanging in Germany.
    The text below it.
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    They announced a new Pizza place for Italy.. rumor is it will go someplace in the back left of this shot.
    The Standby line for the Candlelight was being set up as we walked by (later in the evening this would be filled).
    A tip.. if you are back in the Standby Line why not just stand in the back to watch the show.. the sight lines are not that bad and it beats waiting in the lone queue and your odds of getting in are slim.. for the performance we want to I would say at most they took a couple hundred guests from the stand by line.
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    Thought this was interesting. They were taking pictures of the fife and drum corp around the stage area.
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    Ahh I goofed in the shot.. this is the tree at the American Adventure. I wanted to show they did not have a train set up this year.. and for some reason this is the best shot I took.. and I did not get the base.
    Stopped by the American Adventure since we had 45 minutes till the Candlelight.
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    A CM pointed out a weird optical illusion I had not heard about. If you are at the right distance and walk by this painting it looks like the plane is following you.
    They said to walk on on the first line (the darker tiles).
    Now some pictures of the spirits.
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    For those West Coast geeks there are now smaller versions of these on display in the Great Moments lobby.
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    These are all on the left (exit) side of the theater.
    A couple random shots from the show.
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    Next up the Candlelight. The back handful of rows starting from near the center to the far right were reserved for our event.
    We did not have to wait in either of the lines, instead we just walked up to the walkway and the D23 and other CMs waved us right in.
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    The theater filled in.
    Show time..
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    Kind of weird to watch the procession in the daylight.
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    The sign language person.
    The guest narrator for the evening was Chita Rivera
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    Noticed them out working on one of the barges (well setting it up for the evening)
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    After the show we headed backstage through the gate near the American Adventure and boarded cruise line busses to head to the studios.
    The busses let us off right at the entrance to Lights Motors Action. Once through the tunnel we were greeted with a D23 sign on the screen and dinner on the set.
    As soon as you crossed the bridge there were CMs with drinks waiting for us.
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    And two main buffet lines for dinner.
    The tables were in the middle.
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    One of the lines.
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    We were able to roam around the set and take pictures at will.
    It was weird to turn around and see the large, empty theater.
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    After most had eaten I went to get some pictures of the food..
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    Santa Mickey made an appearance and was available for pictures.
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    In front of the center stage there was a drinks station and carving station.
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    There were no ropes, CMs, or other barriers but everyone seemed to have an instinct not to go beyond the tunnel.. so I followed that protocol too.
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    The buffet line on the other side of the set.. also another drink station in back left of the shot.
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    Did you know there is a hidden Mickey in the window of the Motomania shop?
    One of the other D23 guests (Amanda) pointed it out to me.
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    A close up of the plaque on the wall in the last shot. A tribute to one of the Imagineers.
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    The details in the shop windows were great!
    Forgot to mention when we walked through tunnel there was a red carpet to get across the bridge and onto the set.
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    This is where the bike goes through to break through the window.
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    A hot beverage station (this was near the carving station)
    Right before Mickey left (and since there was no line) the D23 CMs jumped in for a picture.
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    As things wound down they assembled everyone on the far side of the set and we walked over to Toy Story (they were fairly strict during this walk not allowing any pictures.. which was odd since this is the route the trams take so it was technically onstage).
    My Toy Story score.. (the green one).
    Reason I showed the last shot was because of this.. I managed to squeak in as the high score of the day.. this stood as of my second trip through, which I think means it stood for the day since there were not that many people, maybe a dozen or two groups after my second ride.
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    Then we headed over to the Studio Catering Company area a dessert buffet.
    A large portion of the group was sporting the Mickey hats we were given in the morning.
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    The beverage station.
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    After dessert we headed out to a darkened Streets of America.
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    Where John Phelan took the stage to talk to us about the Osborne lights.
    After his story he selected someone to help him turn the lights on.
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    They ran through one song for us.
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    Then they brought up one of the techs (I missed his name and title, I believe he was the lead).
    They answered questions from the group.
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    Such as where are some of the hidden Mickeys
    Then Jeffrey took the stage for some house cleaning..
    Then we were given time to roam the streets as the lights cycled through several of the songs.
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    There is a tough hidden Mickey to find under these awnings.
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    Becky and Jeffrey took the stage again to talk to us briefly.
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    It was great to move around the streets with our small group.
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    The busses were pulled up in the tram turn around area for us.
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    As we headed for the busses they passed out an ornament to everyone.
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    A better shot of the hat we were all given.
    We each received two one day single park passes as well as two Disney Quest passes.

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