home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Sunday, May 5, 2024 - Page 16 of 46 - << previous page : next page >>
8:07am - No posted wait time since the early entry does not start until 8:30am.
8:07am - No posted wait time since the early entry does not start until 8:30am. Click to switch to large image view
8:13am - At the merge point.  They opened early so we made a wise call. Those that went to Toy Story Land in our group reported they were having guests queue up but nothing was open yet.
8:13am - At the merge point. They opened early so we made a wise call. Those that went to Toy Story Land in our group reported they were having guests queue up but nothing was open yet. Click to switch to large image view
BB-8 Click to switch to large image view
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