home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Monday, December 13, 2021 - Page 7 of 24 - << previous page : next page >>
9:11pm - Thought about taking a boat back to EPCOT since I saw one enroute from the Yacht Club.  It pulled into the other side though.  A cast member came out saying they were training and not in service.
9:11pm - Thought about taking a boat back to EPCOT since I saw one enroute from the Yacht Club. It pulled into the other side though. A cast member came out saying they were training and not in service. Click to switch to large image view
Decided to look for a spot near show center.  This viewing area had plenty of space but with the stage you could not see much so I kept looking.
Decided to look for a spot near show center. This viewing area had plenty of space but with the stage you could not see much so I kept looking. Click to switch to large image view
9:30pm - Ended up near Disney Traders.  This spot looked reasonable.. as luck would have it the group next to me moved so I was able to shift to the left and get the hedge mostly out of my way.
9:30pm - Ended up near Disney Traders. This spot looked reasonable.. as luck would have it the group next to me moved so I was able to shift to the left and get the hedge mostly out of my way. Click to switch to large image view
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