home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Thursday, December 8, 2016 - Page 13 of 54 - << previous page : next page >>
Making my way down to the end of the street.  You can not really see much.
Making my way down to the end of the street. You can not really see much. Click to switch to large image view
The Backlot is leveled so now you get a clear view of the Muppets.  You cannot get to there from here without going through the entire park though, so both sides are dead ends.  Seems there should be a path put in to ease crowd flow.
The Backlot is leveled so now you get a clear view of the Muppets. You cannot get to there from here without going through the entire park though, so both sides are dead ends. Seems there should be a path put in to ease crowd flow. Click to switch to large image view
Some trees stored near the wall.
Some trees stored near the wall. Click to switch to large image view
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