home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Monday, May 2, 2016 - Page 42 of 43 - << previous page : next page >>
A smaller pond of water further along offers a nice reflection of Spaceship Earth.  Thought about taking out the camera to get better pics but with the drizzle and splashing it seemed like a bad idea.
A smaller pond of water further along offers a nice reflection of Spaceship Earth. Thought about taking out the camera to get better pics but with the drizzle and splashing it seemed like a bad idea. Click to switch to large image view
Spaceship Earth on the way out.
Spaceship Earth on the way out. Click to switch to large image view
More flooding approaching the bus stops.  Notice all the guests in the planters trying to avoid the water.
More flooding approaching the bus stops. Notice all the guests in the planters trying to avoid the water. Click to switch to large image view
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