home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Monday, May 2, 2016 - Page 37 of 43 - << previous page : next page >>
As we made it around to Japan the skies really turned dark.  It was just before 8pm.
As we made it around to Japan the skies really turned dark. It was just before 8pm. Click to switch to large image view
Click to switch to large image view
Not looking good.  At this point I put the camera in the bag and walked very quickly toward France as a drizzle started.  Reached France as the rain started.  We watched the film hoping it would blow through while inside.
Not looking good. At this point I put the camera in the bag and walked very quickly toward France as a drizzle started. Reached France as the rain started. We watched the film hoping it would blow through while inside. Click to switch to large image view
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