home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Wednesday, April 17. 2013 - Page 12 of 140 - << previous page : next page >>
What almost looks like a small stage set up in the center.  On either side of this were computers with guest relations cast members (for some reason I did not take a wide picture).
What almost looks like a small stage set up in the center. On either side of this were computers with guest relations cast members (for some reason I did not take a wide picture). Click to switch to large image view
For those with Florida only passes you can pick your new design.  If you have a Premiere pass you get the same gold one.
For those with Florida only passes you can pick your new design. If you have a Premiere pass you get the same gold one. Click to switch to large image view
A Kitchen Kabaret figure on display.
A Kitchen Kabaret figure on display. Click to switch to large image view
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