home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Wednesday, October 3, 2012 - Page 5 of 91 - << previous page : next page >>
We had a long bus wait so a couple random pictures... wonder how long before the vending machines will accept room charge.. kind of surprised they do not yet.
We had a long bus wait so a couple random pictures... wonder how long before the vending machines will accept room charge.. kind of surprised they do not yet. Click to switch to large image view
Thought this was funny.. in a location like this with one machine.. if the sticker is not there how would you know one had to be there?  Guess if someone comes to check.
Thought this was funny.. in a location like this with one machine.. if the sticker is not there how would you know one had to be there? Guess if someone comes to check. Click to switch to large image view
First stop the Studios today.  Some work going on backstage between the Fantasmic Theater and the front entrance.
First stop the Studios today. Some work going on backstage between the Fantasmic Theater and the front entrance. Click to switch to large image view
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