home > Tokyo Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Monday, May 15, 2023 - Page 1 of 78 - << previous page : next page >>
9:04am - The park officially opened 4 minutes ago.  I found the end of the queue for the Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast.  I decided I was just going to get in line and wait it out if it was not raining.  So here we go.
9:04am - The park officially opened 4 minutes ago. I found the end of the queue for the Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast. I decided I was just going to get in line and wait it out if it was not raining. So here we go. Click to switch to large image view
From my spot I could see the Baymax ride and popcorn shop that opened as part of the expansion, both are new to me.
From my spot I could see the Baymax ride and popcorn shop that opened as part of the expansion, both are new to me. Click to switch to large image view
We are moving forward at an ok pace. On the right is the building that would have been used for FastPass, but that system was retired and now they use a digital Disney Premier Access system.
We are moving forward at an ok pace. On the right is the building that would have been used for FastPass, but that system was retired and now they use a digital Disney Premier Access system. Click to switch to large image view
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