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After ordering I noticed no line to go into the dining room with the My Friend Duffy show. I had never been in there since there is always a line or its closed.  So I decided to head inside.
After ordering I noticed no line to go into the dining room with the My Friend Duffy show. I had never been in there since there is always a line or its closed. So I decided to head inside. Click to switch to large image view
A look around the dining room.  The My Friend Duffy is a continuous series of shows that run throughout the day (9:30am to 5:00pm during my trip).  Each show is about 10 minutes and there are short intermissions between shows).  They run two different shows.
A look around the dining room. The My Friend Duffy is a continuous series of shows that run throughout the day (9:30am to 5:00pm during my trip). Each show is about 10 minutes and there are short intermissions between shows). They run two different shows. Click to switch to large image view
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