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About an hour later we were onboard and pushed back from the gate.  It was now just past 3:00am.  Only a little over 3 hours late.
About an hour later we were onboard and pushed back from the gate. It was now just past 3:00am. Only a little over 3 hours late. Click to switch to large image view
On our way home..  only a 10 hour flight home.
On our way home.. only a 10 hour flight home. Click to switch to large image view
One last check.  The rest of the flight was uneventful.  LAX was its normal mess and it took a while to get to customs, through customs, then home.  Thanks for following along on my first trip to Asia.  If you were curious we landed in Los Angeles on Saturday evening just before 9pm (after taking off Sunday morning at 3am).  The time change works in your favor being more than the flight time.
One last check. The rest of the flight was uneventful. LAX was its normal mess and it took a while to get to customs, through customs, then home. Thanks for following along on my first trip to Asia. If you were curious we landed in Los Angeles on Saturday evening just before 9pm (after taking off Sunday morning at 3am). The time change works in your favor being more than the flight time. Click to switch to large image view

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