home > Shanghai Disneyland > Pictures > April 8-9, 2018 - Page 3 of 58 - << previous page : next page >>
Went down to the gate just before noon and there were a lot of people but no plane outside.  The plane had arrived earlier in the morning and had gone to the a hanger.  It was late coming out.
Went down to the gate just before noon and there were a lot of people but no plane outside. The plane had arrived earlier in the morning and had gone to the a hanger. It was late coming out. Click to switch to large image view
It finally arrived around 12:10pm, well after the original boarding time.
It finally arrived around 12:10pm, well after the original boarding time. Click to switch to large image view
12:35pm and we were onboard.  Here was my seat for the next 15 hours.
12:35pm and we were onboard. Here was my seat for the next 15 hours. Click to switch to large image view
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