home > Disneyland Paris Resort > Pictures > Tuesday, October 6, 2015 - Page 38 of 38 - << previous page : next page >>
Good bye New York.. was here twice in 10 days and spent less than 4 hours on the ground I think.
Good bye New York.. was here twice in 10 days and spent less than 4 hours on the ground I think. Click to switch to large image view
A little blurry which sums up how we felt arriving at our gate at LAX at 11:40pm
A little blurry which sums up how we felt arriving at our gate at LAX at 11:40pm Click to switch to large image view
LAX was not a madhouse.  By 12:02am we were on the curb waiting for our shuttle to take us home.. we were one of the first gates and our bags were first off.  Too bad it was nearly half an hour for the shuttle then another 90 minutes to reach home and end the trip!
LAX was not a madhouse. By 12:02am we were on the curb waiting for our shuttle to take us home.. we were one of the first gates and our bags were first off. Too bad it was nearly half an hour for the shuttle then another 90 minutes to reach home and end the trip! Click to switch to large image view

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