home > Disneyland Paris Resort > Pictures > Wednewday, September 30, 2015 - Page 3 of 22 - << previous page : next page >>
We were across the round about from the arc..  the traffic here can best be described as organized chaos with cars, bikes, etc.. all traveling the same direction but no real semblance of lanes.
We were across the round about from the arc.. the traffic here can best be described as organized chaos with cars, bikes, etc.. all traveling the same direction but no real semblance of lanes. Click to switch to large image view
Click to switch to large image view
Notice there is one traffic cop out there.  He would blow his whistle and wave as he walked in between the cars and amazingly almost all obeyed him.
Notice there is one traffic cop out there. He would blow his whistle and wave as he walked in between the cars and amazingly almost all obeyed him. Click to switch to large image view
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