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Lots to Do In Line: Walt Disney World

General Information:

Media Type: Book
Type: Parks - Picture
Release Date: 2013-04-16

Geek's Thoughts: Meredith Pierce has taken on the lines at Walt Disney World's four theme parks and provided a book filled with activities to engage you and your traveling party. The intent is to occupy you and your children while in line, because let us face it most people spend a good portion of any visit to a park in line waiting to experience our favorite attraction or something new. The idea I like most about this book is along the way you pick up on some of the details that you may have overlooked before and it is those details that put Disney parks on another level compared to others.


The format of this book is very similar to the Disneyland version that was released in 2012. Each park has its own chapter and within the chapter each attraction has its own section. The activities include games based on eye spy, visual scavenger hunts, and memory recall. You do not need to be a Disney Parks trivia whiz to enjoy since the games and points really rely on observation. This makes the game accessible to a wide range of guest and skill levels. Since I was reading this book from and not in a park it became a great memory exercise and trivia, which I have to admit it I did not do that well, I guess I am rusty on my WDW line observations. There is a basic point system you can use and keep track of to have a contest among your traveling group . At the end of each section is an answer key to help you assess your scores.

For example one type of activity is a Pop Quiz. As you approach the Kilimanjaro Safaris it says to take a look at the posters before joining the queue. Then it asks several questions based on the posters such as Which of the Following Animals were featured on the posters(Multiple Choice)? Or were there any Animals in the Trees (Yes/No)?

The book takes into account the myriad of line choices at Walt Disney World parks including the Standby, Fastpass, and even the newer Interactive queues and offers activities for each and there is an index in the back to quickly direct you to the attraction you are visiting. The book is fairly comprehensive in terms of attractions and queues to give you activities to do and there are some generic ones that cover areas not included.

A side benefit of the activities in this book is if you are all participating in a group activity you will be interacting with each other and having fun as a group, verses what you see too often now a days with each member of the family/group focused on their own phone or other electronic device. I think something like this book could help to re-focus your attention on where you are and what is going on around you and hopefully in the process transport you from the real world and into Disney’s environments a little more.

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