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In Service to the Mouse: My Unexpected Journey to Becoming Disneylands First President

General Information:

Media Type: Book
Type: Parks - Picture
Release Date: 2010-12-05

Geek's Thoughts: Most disneygeeks are familiar with the name Jack Lindquist and quite a few of us have had the chance to see him over the years at various events and got to hear some of his stories told. For those of you who are not familiar Jack Lindquist first stepped foot in Disneyland a little before opening and officially joined a few months after opening in 1955 as the parks first advertising manager. Over the years he moved up the ranks and around the Walt Disney Company. He eventually became the parks first president before retiring after 38 years with the company.

Over the years he was responsible for many things that we have all experienced, such as Disney Dollars or witnessed such as the Disneyland Super Bowl spots, so even if you do not know his name you are familiar with his work.

This book is a series (62 to be exact) short stories/trains of thought that share some of the memorable experiences from over the years as well as his thoughts on the park, the company, and entertainment.


I really enjoyed reading this book. As I read through I kept picturing him talk and the writing really held true to the way he has presented his stories at events I have attended and seen him at. As I mentioned it is a series of short stories. So do not go in expecting a long drawn out narrative telling his story. Instead it is a lively series of shorts (and I do mean short with most only a couple of pages long, it is 235 pages long and has 62 chapters). I would recommend this book to all of you out there like me that are interested in hearing about the early years at the park and some of how it evolved over the years. Jack calls it like he sees/remembers it and gives you his assessment of the situations.

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