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All Aboard: The Wonderful World of Disney Trains

General Information:

Media Type: Book
Type: Other
Release Date: 2015-09-01

Geek's Thoughts: This hard cover collectors book features a look at trains and Disney including Walt, films, and the parks. I really enjoyed reading through this book and thought it provided a good history of Walt and his train interest. I also really enjoyed the detailed look at the trains in the parks. The center section of the book is a catalog of Disney films over the years that featured trains. Starting with Oswald and going through Planes Fire and Rescue. It includes animation shorts, features, Pixar, Disney Toons, live action and television.


There is an interesting chapter looking at three other key train folks in the Disney realm - Ward Kimball, Ollie Johnston, and John Lasseter. I found it interesting Roger Broogie was not included. The story of Ollie Johnston's reunion with his old train by John Lasseter was great to relive (I remember reading about it when it happened).

My favorite section was the last one that talked about the trains at all the Disney parks around the world. There was a page per engine. I would have really liked to have seen this expanded to include more pictures and information including the stations and special cars like the Lilly Belle.

Having a reference of all the trains in Disney films is nice to have the overview of each engine from all the parks is also great. As with most books I would have liked to have seen more.. but it is a solid offering for those looking for another Disney Train book for their library. I was not disappointed with it.

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