home > Hong Kong Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Wednesday, April 8, 2015 - Page 37 of 106 - << previous page : next page >>
Today was graduation day for elementary school kids.  They were using the Golden Mickey theater for the ceremony and kids were out front for pictures.
Today was graduation day for elementary school kids. They were using the Golden Mickey theater for the ceremony and kids were out front for pictures. Click to switch to large image view
A closer look at their ears.
A closer look at their ears. Click to switch to large image view
They were standing on a compass that had major cities and distances listed... we are a long way from New York City!  I thought they should have listed the other Small World locations instead.
They were standing on a compass that had major cities and distances listed... we are a long way from New York City! I thought they should have listed the other Small World locations instead. Click to switch to large image view
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