home > Hong Kong Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Wednesday, April 8, 2015 - Page 36 of 106 - << previous page : next page >>
Since this was my first ride through I just enjoyed it and snapped some pictures (later ride throughs more detail and video).  I will be posting a separate section on it.  Here are a couple pics though.  First up the USA representation.
Since this was my first ride through I just enjoyed it and snapped some pictures (later ride throughs more detail and video). I will be posting a separate section on it. Here are a couple pics though. First up the USA representation. Click to switch to large image view
And Hong Kong
And Hong Kong Click to switch to large image view
The finale room reminding me of the WDW version.
The finale room reminding me of the WDW version. Click to switch to large image view
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