home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, June 14, 2013

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  • Page Number: 1
    Kind of different... two of the same banner as you leave the Mickey and Friends garage.. usually there is only one banner. Wonder why they are the same and double.
    Grad Nite season is still underway for another week. So as I was arriving bus loads of grad nite guests were too.
    The Disneyland Hotel has received a new sign. Cast Members were still putting the finishing touches on the landscaping this afternoon.
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    D23 Expo Banners are up along Magic Way as well as other streets around the resort.
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    Walked into the Disneyland Hotel.
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    In Downtown Disney there is an exhibit for the WiiU video game console.
    Inside each cube you could try out the game.
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    Later today on the main stage will be an Army Band.
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    An artist showcase and signing at the Wonderground Gallery Saturday.
    As you head toward the security tents there is a small sign letting you know about the Wii U event.
    While I was gone ticket prices increased. Parking also went up a dollar to $16 for a car.
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    I thought for summer maybe new banners between the parks, nope they look to be the same.
    How come there always seems to be a longer line for the park I am heading to first?
    Main Street USA is all Red White and Blue.
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    Looks to be an average crowd on Main Street.
    Climbers have returned to the Matterhorn for the summer. I did not see if they were doing a character show or not. Anyone know? Too bad Happy Haus and his son did not return this year (check out my pictures/video from last year.. he was a performer on the mountain for the reopening).
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    The waits around 2:20pm
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    The scaffolding is down around the shack on Big Thunder visible from the BBQ entrance area.
    Speaking of the BBQ it is the All-American Roundup and Barbecue this summer.
    Some of the decorations.
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    The Jamboree area has gone all American for the summer too with Woodys All-American Roundup
    Interesting no signage for Woody up front..
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    Red, White, and Blue are the colors of choice...
    The format of the area is much the same with some games, picture spots, coloring area, food, pins, and the stage.
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    The food carts have a nice stand around them.
    The menu
    Some of the items for sale
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    Friday the stage was being used by the Billies and by a small show called Woodys Talent Roundup.
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    Billy Hill and the Hillbillies
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    Video of the Billies patriotic medley.
    Cowboy Mickey and Minnie coming out for pictures, they changed with Goofy.
    The Billies performing the Battle of New Orleans.
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    For the finale the Toy Story gang joins the Billies (sorry for the blurry picture.. was shooting video and took a still from it).
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    Shortly after the Billies there was a short character show called Woodys Talent Roundup.
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    Since there were no signs or postings most of the audience had disappeared before it started. Disney really needs to post show times to give guests a chance to see them!
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    A couple video clips from the Talent Roundup.
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    A couple random shots of the props around the area and decorations.
    One of the photo backdrops.
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    The stage coach is also set up as a photo backdrop.
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    A sign on the back of the food carts pointing you around to the front.
    Out in the ranch area the goats are in the patriotic spirit too.
    A sign was added for the summer event.
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    The Big Thunder project is moving along. Scaffolding is up on some of the mountain now.
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    Frontierland was not too busy.
    Nor was the Golden Horseshoe. The Laughingstock Co has taken over the stage while the Billies are out at the Ranch.
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    Work on the Big Thunder station is visible now too.
    Rainbow Ridge is moving along.
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    Looks like the task to erect and level scaffolding on the mountain is a good challenge. Look at the varying support lengths/angles just for this small section.
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    Some safety lines on the rooftops.
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    Only 13 minute wait for Haunted Mansion.
    The Columbia was making the rounds today.
    A horse out by the Indian Village
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    Flashbacks to last week in Alaska.. hanging out on a boat watching eagles.. not quite the same though..
    From ground level New Orleans Square looks much more crowded than from the Mark Twain upper deck.
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    Tiana was out in Frontierland vs New Orleans Square for pictures.
    The canoes are in service today too.
    The Tiki Room was closed for a Club 33 event this evening.
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    I saw Dumbo was closed for a few days while I was gone. No real visible signs of change, probably just some cleanup/routine work.
    A good size crowd waiting for Mickey and the Magical Map considering it does not start for half an hour and behind me Soundsational was just stepping off.
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    Just checking to see if Goofy Water is still in service and it is..
    The hills of Toontown have a new ridge. They have hidden the safety rails and it looks good.
    A closer look.
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    Random Soundsational picture.
    The Orbitron has seen better days..
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    No visible signs of progress on the Starbucks
    Soundsational was still making its way through Town Square when I arrived.
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    The madness after the parade is always fun to see unfold (as long as you do not have to walk through it).
    Today was Flag Day so I stopped for the nightly Flag Retreat.
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    In the Main Street Opera House Lobby the Disneyland Story section is behind curtains. Is a new exhibit coming or just some work on the current one?
    The Disney Gallery is receiving a new exhibit.
    The ever evolving windows of Buena Vista Street. The glare was really bad when I walked by, this is the best.. there is a mannequin now and most of the clutter is gone from the Julius Katz window.
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    Storytellers this afternoon. Last year this time I was at the grand opening festivities for Buena Vista Street and Cars Land, hard to believe it has been a year already.
    The sun shades on the upper level of the Carthay appear to be completed.
    The Monsters University gang leading the Pixar Play Parade.
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    I have to laugh at how many pictures I get with the characters eyes closed now a days...
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    Dancing with Disney has returned, but closed at 5pm so I did not make it inside.
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    A safety chain has been added around the bikes since my last visit. Like the eyes on the poles.
    Tower had a 90 minute wait, which grew to as large as 120 minutes at one point in the evening thanks to GradNite.
    Racers were posted at 110 but shrunk to a mere 90 minutes later in the evening.
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    The Cozy Cone Fountain is slowly coming back together but not operational yet.
    DJ was out with his dancers. They were playing red light/green light but with dancing this show. I do not remember hearing/seeing that before but I have to admit I usually do not pay that close of attention to the show.
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    Sarges this afternoon.
    The Racers turn one this week.. still going strong.
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    Out in the Pier the flowers were in bloom.
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    Walking through Downtown Disney some of the candy apple choices.
    A Yoda hat.
    Lone Ranger banners up near the theater.
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    The blimp overhead for the Angels game.
    The 300th Army Band getting ready to perform. They started over 30 minutes late. I thought it was poor no one announced the new start time. First up was a Jazz group.
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    Video clips of the Jazz group.
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    The line at Earl of Sandwich was out the door.
    Next up was a group called the Classics (I did not stay around for the third portion of the band).
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    A video clip of the Classics group from the Army Band. The band was there to celebrate the Armys 238th birthday today.
    A couple of the World of Disney windows as I head back to the park.
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    Return to DCA. Noticed they had the side door of the Carthay Circle open.
    This leads to the check in counter and then to the lounge.
    Waits around 7:40pm
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    Wonder when the next Blue Sky Cellar exhibit will be coming? My hunch is after the D23 Expo and any announcements that are made there.
    A fair amount of guests out on the Pier this evening.
    Wonder when something will happen in former Maliboomer area.
  • Page Number: 56
    For Fathers Day there is an Incredibles Limited Time Magic event going on. From 10am to 6pm you can have your picture taken in front of this backdrop.
    Stopped by the Mad T Party for a while. There are new songs in the set for the summer.
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    Since there was grad nite no alcohol sales at the Drink Me bar.
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    Found this interesting.. since I last passed by a sign was put out saying Tower of Terror was closing at 8:30pm.
    At 8:29 the line was still posted at 100 minutes. Guess they are doing this to cycle out guests and prepare for Grad Nite.
    Walked through Cars Land. Some neon pictures..
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    Flos was being converted for the Grad Nite event so it was barricaded off.
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    Found a spot for World of Color which turned three this past week.
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    I did not catch it till it was too late, but there is a new act at the Mad T Party.. an aerialist. Maybe next trip...
    Both parks received new guide map covers and ad pages. Here is a look at Disneylands
    And DCAs.
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