home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, December 16, 2011

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  • Page Number: 1
    Arrived at the Disneyland Resort right as the afternoon winds were kicking up.
    Guess the temporary gift shop I saw last time is now a permanent fixture at Downtown Disney (or at least until Buena Vista Street opens).
  • Page Number: 2
    Still seems odd to have the La Brea Bakery cart right in front of their store.
    I liked the wifi router next to the drink products.
  • Page Number: 3
    Heading to DCA first to check out the construction progress. The facades on the West side of the street are slowly taking shape.
    More framing going up.
    The backside.
  • Page Number: 4
    Warnings if the winds continue World of Color may be cancelled (it was not). Also surprising they were still passing out Yellow for the first show, an indication that the park was not too crowded yet.
    Everything looks so peaceful from this shot. (the winds were really howling at this point).
    The last section of the back of the mountain range looks to be receiving its concrete.
  • Page Number: 5
    Painting has begun on the first sections.
    They were keeping everyone clear of the Christmas tree due to the winds.
    The wind was making the bay quite choppy.
  • Page Number: 6
    A first glimpse of Cars Land reveals new signs since my last trip.
    Here you can see the new rock face is moving along. What a difference.
    Thanks to the winds it was fairly clear as you looked around from the Fun Wheel.
  • Page Number: 7
    A wider shot of the Radiator Springs Racers area.. wow is it impressive!
  • Page Number: 8
    The base of the radiator cap is moving along.
    The RS can be seen now.
    Looks like most of the scaffolding on the Cadillac Range is gone, just a couple low levels left.
  • Page Number: 9
    The arch by the Wharf is just about painted. Also there is now a tree there.
    A look over at Maters.
  • Page Number: 10
    A wide shot of Radiator Springs
    The Curios store signage is up now.
    A closer look.
  • Page Number: 11
    The courthouse/firehouse looks great!
    Over to the Flying Tires area. Looks like the lights are going in (you can see them strung in the background as well as the lifts).
  • Page Number: 12
    Ramones sign is up.
    The Cozy Cones are inching along. Also the backstage fence behind them looks to have been painted.
  • Page Number: 13
    The last two cones are catching up to the first three very quickly.
    Behind the cones it is hard to tell what is going on.
  • Page Number: 14
    A look over at the Carthay where some of the scaffolding is now down.
    Swinging back to Maters notice there is a tractor out (about the middle of the shot). Also more props near the shack.
  • Page Number: 15
    Here you can see how they were keeping the Christmas tree area clear still. So no Santa pictures till the winds die down.
    I just cannot take enough shots of the rock work to convey the scale and nature of it...
  • Page Number: 16
    Back on the ground. Some tape in the Maliboomer park area. Guessing for a Meet and Greet.
    Working on several of the lamp posts near the swings.
    Here you can see one is missing (on the left by the trash can)
  • Page Number: 17
    Mermaid was a walk on... no line at all.
    The rockwork makes a great backdrop for the Wharf. What a difference!
    They were painting the underside of the archway.
  • Page Number: 18
    The corner is slowly being painted.
    Filmores windmill was going full speed thanks to the wind.
    Here is a riveting video of the windmill in action from two angles for those who are interested.
  • Page Number: 19
    Sarges has received the first layer of its roof.
    Trees obstruct most of the view. Wonder if that is their permanent location, temporary holding, or just there to get in our way?
    The sign for Maters is up.
  • Page Number: 20
    Not sure what to call it but something else out in from of Filmores.. guess it is a windmill of sorts?
    A wider shot of the area. The trees do look great.
    The most exciting change... Route 66 has received its blacktop. It is really moving along.
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  • Page Number: 22
    Looked to be quitting time. All the construction workers were on the move.
  • Page Number: 23
    In the foreground Sarges roof. In the background Flos air filter.
    Cannot wait to see this at night!
  • Page Number: 24
  • Page Number: 25
    More details emerging.. notice the lamp post by Filmores
    A closer shot.
  • Page Number: 26
    A look down Route 66. Stanleys base is installed.
  • Page Number: 27
    Over to Maters. More props installed around the shack.
    And lights on the poles.
  • Page Number: 28
    One of the tractors is partially visible.
    Another shot of the windmill
  • Page Number: 29
    The Flyers were closed temporarily.
    As were the fountains.
    The walls were down around the Red Car stop near Tower of Terror.
  • Page Number: 30
    Only visible change to me was this strip under where it will stop. Guessing this is a sensor of some kind. Wonder if it is for charging too?
  • Page Number: 31
    The gift shop has moved from the corner to on the Hollywood Blvd side. Wonder if this was wind inspired or what?
    Much of the scaffolding on the Carthay is now down.
    And the details are starting to emerge.
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  • Page Number: 33
  • Page Number: 34
  • Page Number: 35
    The time lapse camera for Buena Vista Street is clearly visible now..
  • Page Number: 36
    Looks like this scaffolding will be coming down soon too.
  • Page Number: 37
    Peaking through a crack in the fence it looked like plants were starting to go in around the building. My picture did not come out though...
    Moving on. Here is the East side of the street. Scaffolding up around the old Candy store sign and the Elias and Company facade steel is up.
    A closer look.
  • Page Number: 38
    The West side (where the train used to be)
  • Page Number: 39
    The palm trees have been opened up, just in time for the winds to give them a work out.
    No visible line for Soarin
  • Page Number: 40
    Bright new gas pumps in Condor Flats.
  • Page Number: 41
    These banners looked brighter too.. were they replaced recently too?
    A look back at Buena Vista Street towering over the entrance.
  • Page Number: 42
    Next stop Disneyland!
    Arrived on Main Street as the Christmas Fantasy Parade was making its way down the street. Noticed the lead unit that features Duffy was not there. I liked the Toy Soldiers leading the way!
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    Some random shots of the parade before I moved on.
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  • Page Number: 45
    A very odd site for mid afternoon. Star Tours Fastpasses available for less than an hour away and a short wait?
    Some shots from the Monorail. Thanks to the windows being up and the sun they are not the best but you can get a quick glimpse of the state of things.
  • Page Number: 46
    Wow out of focus... but you can see how the store facade has been extended with the new steel (the black steel)
    Noticed what appears to be new stoppers on the monorail station gates to stop them from swinging all the way open. Guessing this is to help herd guests to the proper cars?
  • Page Number: 47
    Went for a second ride to get the other side and had a similar problem with the window.
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  • Page Number: 49
    No one in the extended Nemo queue. It was probably a 15-20 min wait only.
    Signage up for the new Bakery which is slated to open just after New Years.
  • Page Number: 50
    The wait times around 4pm
    A look at the new signage.
  • Page Number: 51
  • Page Number: 52
    A new weather vain
    Cartoon Spin was down (as was Small World when I walked by)
  • Page Number: 53
    Toontown was not too crowded.
    Random Christmas decoration shot.. this is in one of the carriages outside the ranch.
  • Page Number: 54
    A look at some of the Ranch decorations/signs.
  • Page Number: 55
    I like the holiday touches along the walkway to the restrooms.
  • Page Number: 56
  • Page Number: 57
    The line for Santa was short too.
  • Page Number: 58
    Looks like the sign had some issue thanks to the wind I would assume.
    The Billies were the next stop for me.
    Pirates had no line at all so went for a ride.
  • Page Number: 59
    Only one light was on the new sign this evening.
    The wait times around 5:30.
  • Page Number: 60
    Went for a ride on Star Tours.
    Just shy of 6pm and the Tomorrowland Terrace had no real lines and plenty of empty tables.
  • Page Number: 61
    Nemo had no visible line.. I thought it may be closed..
    It was not so I walked onto the next sub to pull in.
  • Page Number: 62
    A look down Main Street.
    During the wintertime enchantment/snow event the lights all turn white.
    A look at the castle.
  • Page Number: 63
    The gas lamp at the end of the street was out and Coke Corner looked rather dark in the background too.
    A couple random World of Color shots.
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  • Page Number: 65
    Some lights on at Buena Vista Street but nothing too interesting visible.
    Even ElecTRONica felt empty this evening.
  • Page Number: 66
    Poreotics were performing this weekend. This group are the reining champions of Americas Best Dance Crew according to the intro. Here is a video of their 8:30 performance.
  • Page Number: 67
    Back to Disneyland to catch some of the Snow Fall since the fireworks were cancelled due to wind.
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  • Page Number: 69
    Stuck around for the Magic, the Memories, and You.
    There is a Christmas/Holiday segment added to the middle of the show.
  • Page Number: 70
  • Page Number: 71
    Here is video of the entire show.. it is not the best, seems the camera did not like the location but you can sort of see it and can hear everything.
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