home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday November 2, 2001

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  • Page Number: 1
    The holidays have arrived at Disneyland, and so too have the holiday characters.
  • Page Number: 2
    New Orleans Sqaure is all decorated too.
    We noticed this new snow machine pole in New Orleans Sqaure.
    Here is how its supported.
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  • Page Number: 6
    The small pine trees are around the castle again, but most of the decorations in the hub area were not up yet on Friday.
    They have replanted Tomorrowland too. (I really hate daylight savings time it gets dark way too early).
    The walkways are all open in Fantasyland. The new work looks great, but the temporary area where it all comes together is interesting...
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    The dry dock area was all drained, so the Columbia was out making rounds. It was not open to the public. It would just go all the way around without stopping and pull up in this area and wait for the Twain to come around behind then it would do it again. Also it was weird at night because they docked both boats at the main dock. It was a strange sight, and of course no pictures came out.
    The walkway to Fantasyland from Frontierland was closed off.
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    We were walking down Main Street and something seemed weird. It finally dawned on us that none of the building lights were on. (Later in the evening they were all working again).
    It looked weird though with no lights on.
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    Even the train station was dark.
    One of the new Holiday windows.
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    The performers were out on Main Street. They sounded great as usual.
    The new Minnies Christmas Part show was up and running.
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    There are now railings as you enter the theater, do not know when these went in, did not notice them before.
    Here is the set. Its one set and does not change for the entire show.
    Here are some shots from the show. To read more about the show check out my Geekspeaks column.
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    Its basically a character show that has some funny dialog and a lot of Christmas songs. (Sorry for the blurry shots, I was having camera problems).
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    For the Finale it snows. The white specs are not camera probs, its the snow effect.
  • Page Number: 14
    Not that visible when looking at the stage with the camera (the effect was better in person).
    But visible when looking at the lights.
    Small World Holiday was up and running too.
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  • Page Number: 18
    Believe in Holiday Magic was great as usual.
    The snowfall is back... and still a crowd pleaser.
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    Not really a DCA shot, but saw it on my way to the park. The cart out selling the bricks again. Have not seen it in a long while.
    The expanded area by GRR was torn up again. Looked like they were replacing boards and rails. They were working well into the night on this.
    This was posted on Avalon Cove.
  • Page Number: 22
    The new building backstage is going to be good size. Wonder what they will do to make it blend in. Hopefully something interesting.
    Here you can really get a feel for its size.
    One more shot of it. The rumor is it will house the parade(DEP) and Luminaria equipment, and it is in the right location to do both.
  • Page Number: 23
    Sorry for the really bad lighting, but you can get the drift. The trees along the lagoon have had the lights rearranged. They now start the lights higher on the trees and have the power hung up high. I guess people(kids) were playing with them when they were lower?
    Work still goes on in Avalon Cove (also notice all the lights on the roof on the right hand side).
    The one tower on Maliboomer is still down.
  • Page Number: 24
    The walls are down in the backlot area and the new planters are done.
    It appears they are concrete covered with wood. Interesting...
    Lights are on the palm trees by Soarin too. Here you can see how they start high off the ground.
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    Holiday decorations are appearing around the park. Here is the Bay Area street by day.
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    Here is the same area at night.
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    The entrance by day...
    And by night.
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    Hollywood by day.
    The backlots tree is up.
  • Page Number: 29
    A different shot of the tree.
    There are now LuminAria banners along the parade route.
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  • Page Number: 31
    Speaking of LuminAria, work continues on the show. The Premiere is only a week away.
    Here you can clearly see the central tree that will rise. It is supposed to be 60 feet tall acording to one blurp I read.
    There are quite a few candles in the water now. They sort of look like floating trash from the Sun Wheel. Sorry about the bad image quality on this one...
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    The grass and trees have been replaced near where we think the show control will be.
  • Page Number: 33
    More of these tiny lights have appeared everywhere around the lagoon. These are on the Sun Wheel.
    Here is one on Avalon Cove.
    I really think the wires for the lights look quite bad and the wire ties look like a very temporary solution.
  • Page Number: 34
    They were testing show elements Friday evening. The lights on the Oranage Stinger were turned on.
    As were these (the bright white ones are the show lights).
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    There are also lights in most of the trees around the lagoon.
    They blend in really well though and if your not looking will probably not see them.
    This explains why there were covers missing around the tree bases recently.
  • Page Number: 36
    They were setting up the show elements and testing many of them Friday evening. Here are the screens in their retracted state.
    Here it is in its upright form. They unfold rather quickly. We were surprised with how loud they were, but the show music and crowd noise will probably make it seem much less.
    Here is a test pattern on the screen.
  • Page Number: 37
    This is an interesting picture. The small cylinder in the foreground is a fireworks launcher (or at least that is our guess). The light in the top is a candle that was illuminated (under the water). There were several turned on around the lagoon, all below the surface.
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